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Cooking oil quietly becomes a "disaster"

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-21

   The biggest problem in the diet structure of Chinese residents is too much fat. According to the "Research Report on Nutrition and Health Status of Chinese Residents" released by the Ministry of Health in 2004, the proportion of urban residents'' dietary fat supply energy is as high as 35.0 % (38.4% in large cities), far exceeding the 30% reasonable upper limit recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Too much fat is an important reason for the high incidence of chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, tumors and so on.

  According to the above report, the energy supply ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate in the diet of Chinese urban residents is 13.1%, 35.0% (38.4% in big cities) and 48.5% (41.1% in big cities), and according to The recommended range of the three energy supply ratios recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society is 10%-15%, 20%-30% and 55%-65% respectively. It can be seen that the ratio of protein energy supply in the diet of urban residents is still more appropriate. Among them, high-quality protein from fish, egg milk and soy products accounts for 43.3% of the total protein, which is also reasonable (a reasonable range is 30% to 50%). This means that there are not many high-protein (usually high-fat) foods such as fish, meat, eggs, and milk in the diets of urban residents. Where does the large amount of fat in the diet come from? Or, how does the diet have a high proportion of fat energy supply?

   is very simple, because cooking oil (almost 100% is fat, No protein) caused too much. There are two main sources of fat in the diet, one is animal foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc., which contains more fat and more protein; the other is cooking oil. The main dietary problem of residents in developed countries is that the ratio of energy supply to fat and protein is too high at the same time, which is caused by eating too much fish, egg and milk; the main problem of diet in Chinese urban residents is too much fat and not too much protein, mainly "drinking" Caused by oil. According to the above survey report, Chinese urban residents eat an average of 44 grams of cooking oil per day (recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society is 25 grams per day), and more than half (44 grams) of the city’s average daily fat intake is as high as 85.5 grams. Ingested through cooking oil. It can be said that cooking oil has quietly become a "disaster". On the other hand, if (just hypothesis, it is really difficult to change people''s eating habits), on the current basis, per capita consumption of 19 grams of oil per person, that is, 25 grams of oil per person per day, the energy saved Food supplement to keep the total energy intake unchanged, then the proportion of fat in the diet will be reduced from 35% to 27%, which is a fairly reasonable ratio. At the same time, the energy supply ratio of protein and carbohydrates also tends to be reasonable, and the dietary nutrition of Chinese urban residents is more balanced. In short, we can say that the problem of using too much oil in Chinese food cooking is a complete "oil disaster." Reducing the intake of cooking oil has become a top priority for improving the diet structure of urban residents.

  Like "salt is harmful", people should first realize that oil is more harmful. The following measures can help reduce the consumption of cooking oil in daily life.

   1. Use less oil when cooking dishes (not more than 1 tablespoon per person per meal), and use more condiments as appropriate.

   2. More cooking methods such as steaming, stewing, frying, microwave, etc., less cooking methods such as frying, frying, and roasting.

   3. Don''t put "light oil" when cooking, prohibiting the second oil during cooking.

   4. Every meal has at least one cold dish (or dipping pickles) to reduce the amount of cooking oil used.

   5. Whether you eat at home or in a restaurant, try to eat less fried foods, including fried meat, fried staple food, and fried snacks.

   6. When eating at a restaurant, eat less boiled fish, roasted eggplant, tiger skin pepper, di Sanxian, egg yolk, pumpkin, egg tarts, scallion pancake, carrot cake, etc. .

   7. When eating at a restaurant, eat less Sichuan-style, Manchu-style, and other dishes seasoned with large amounts of oil and fat.

   8. Eat less bread, burgers, biscuits, fast food noodles and other convenience foods that contain a lot of fat.

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