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Nine foods to help you lungs in spring

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-24

  Spring is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases. Therefore, lung nourishment in spring is very important for health. The so-called medicinal supplement is not as good as food supplement. In spring, nourish the lungs, it is advisable to use diet therapy...


  Yam is rich in nutrients and has been regarded as a good and inexpensive supplement. It is not only an ingredient but also a medicinal material. Some people call it a "spiritual food", which represents its high nutritional value. Yam is well absorbed in the stomach and intestines, and is often used to treat spleen and stomach weakness and diarrhea. In addition, yam has a large amount of mucus protein. This kind of sticky substance can moisturize the skin and can alleviate the discomfort symptoms of menopausal women. Especially the Japanese-style yam belongs to the fine fiber, which is very helpful for human health.

  Contraindications: Peel the skin when eating to avoid abnormal taste such as raw numbness and thorns.


   is plain and slightly bitter in Chinese herbal medicines. Eating lily in autumn climate can not only nourish the heart, but also moisturize the lungs and spleen and stomach. Lily''s fresh products also contain mucus quality, which has the effect of moisturizing and clearing heat, and also helps the metabolism of skin cells. Fresh lily is usually used to stew porridge, which is very effective for weak lungs, menopausal women, neurasthenia and poor sleep.

  Contraindications: wind-cold cough, spleen and stomach deficiency, and those who are prone to diarrhea should not eat more.


   fungus is rich in natural plant gums, and has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, benefiting the stomach and regenerating the body. It is suitable for lung cough, dry and dry cough, bloody sputum, Symptoms such as dry throat can be said to be the best for nourishing yin and moistening the lungs. In addition, the dietary fiber contained in it can also help gastrointestinal motility, which is also helpful for people with constipation. Black fungus and white fungus also have the same effect, and the nutritional value of black fungus is higher than white fungus, which is very helpful for protecting the stomach and intestines, beauty and beauty, and strengthening immunity.

   Taboo: Auricularia auricula has the effect of promoting blood circulation, and it is not recommended to consume excessive amounts during female physiology.


  Honey has intestinal and lung-invigorating effects. Loquat cream and pills in traditional Chinese medicine are also almost made of honey. Due to the appearance of the lungs and the large intestine, many diseases related to the respiratory tract can cause gastrointestinal problems, and honey can both moisturize the respiratory tract and help defecation, and is regarded as the best health food in autumn.

   Taboo: Because honey is too sweet, sweetness can produce sputum. Therefore, it is not suitable for patients with large sputum, and people who have a cold or hot cough are not suitable for consumption.

   lotus root

   lotus root is cold in nature, has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, and is effective for nosebleeds, coughing and bleeding caused by dry weather. Furthermore, it has spleen and diarrhea , Can increase appetite and promote digestion, especially suitable for young children. The lotus root has high edible value. Generally, in addition to the lotus root and lotus root seeds that are often eaten, the lotus root Peng, which is a Chinese medicinal material, can also stew soup, which also has the effect of cooling blood.

   Taboo: Lotus root is cold, pregnant women and those with diarrhea should not eat more.

  Brown rice

  Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and brown rice belonging to the whole grains category has the effect of strengthening the spleen and can moisturize the skin and respiratory tract, especially when cooking The brown rice film produced has higher nutritional value.

  Contraindications: People with poor digestive function may eat flatulence if they eat more.


  Water pears have a cooling effect. The tannic acid contained in them can remove phlegm and cough, and also has a protective effect on the throat. Raw water pears can obviously relieve patients with upper respiratory tract infections. Symptoms such as dry throat, itching, pain and constipation appear, and the steamed pear with sugar candy is a dietary supplement taught by the older generation. However, due to the cold nature of cold pears, people with cold constitution are prone to stomach cold and diarrhea symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to add red dates, wolfberry or Chinese medicine almonds and Chuanbei herbs to stew in an electric pot to Neutralize food.

   Taboo: Cold constitution is not suitable for eating.


   refers to almonds in Chinese medicine, not American almonds. The American almonds commonly eaten by people are almond kernels, but they actually have no taste or value. Almonds are also sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds are often used in diet therapy and have a cough suppressant effect, but contain small toxic hydrocyanic acid; bitter almonds are more used in medicine, and their toxicity is slightly higher than that of ordinary sweet almonds, but after being cooked Edible, can reduce toxicity. It is recommended that it can be stewed with water pears and fungus, which is very effective for severe cough in autumn and winter.

   Taboo: Overdose is not recommended.


  Persimmon is not only sweet and delicious, nutritious, but also has medicinal value, whether it is fresh persimmon, persimmon, persimmon frost, etc. can be used as medicine. According to the records of "Compendium of Materia Medica", persimmons are sweet and cold, and can eliminate heat and troubles, replenish thirst, relieve lung and phlegm, and treat hot cough.

   Taboo: Persimmon contains a large amount of tannic acid. It is not recommended to eat on an empty stomach and should not be overdose. Every food has its own characteristics. As long as you understand the characteristics of the food, you can get twice the result with half the effort if you take the right medicine.

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