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Talk about summer diet health

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

  The summer is coming, the sun is hot, and the heat is unbearable. Nonetheless, if you can understand some of the characteristics of the human body during summer and adjust it properly, summer can also be a good time to rejuvenate your body and mind. Summer diet regimen is an effective means to enhance the body''s ability to adapt to the hot climate and prevent and treat the summer and summer dampness syndromes mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine, and is of great significance to enhance the body''s ability to adapt to the external environment in autumn and winter. The following is a combination of the physiological characteristics of the human body''s metabolism in summer, to talk about the main points of summer health and the diet suitable for summer, and to provide friends with suggestions on diet and nutrition in the summer for physical fitness.

  (1) Characteristics of summer climate and human metabolism

   As soon as the summer solstice is entered, Beijing seems to be connected to the sauna weather, and people feel wet , And it is particularly boring, this is caused by high temperature, low air pressure and high humidity in summer. Therefore, "summer heat" and "humid heat" are the characteristics of the summer climate. In ancient my country, people divided summer into summer and long summer (late summer to early autumn, from heat to cool, that is, the turn of summer and autumn). The hot weather causes the pores to open and the amount of sweating is large. Due to the increased functional activities of the human organs in summer, the body''s metabolism also enters the most vigorous stage of the year, and the body''s energy consumption is also the largest period of the year. The demand for nutrients is much higher than in other seasons. At the same time, due to a series of effects of high temperature on the body''s temperature regulation, digestive system, nervous system and urinary system, people often feel loss of appetite, tiredness, lack of urine and yellow, weak or chronic diseases in the summer season People often find it difficult to sleep, and some people even lose weight during this period. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to the dizziness, diarrhea, upset dry mouth, chest tightness, palpitations, and self-induced fever (or low fever) that people sometimes see in summer. And some adverse reactions occurred.

  Modern medicine is not very clear about the pathological mechanism of the summer, but Chinese medicine believes that this symptom is mostly due to weak constitution and exogenous heat. Specifically, the main reasons for this symptom are the lack of vitality, fluid consumption, and spleen. Insufficient vitality and fluid consumption can easily lead to deficiency of both qi and yin in the body. The spleen spleen caused by heat and humidity in summer can lead to spleen deficiency. At the same time, heat injury or weak spleen can also lead to deficiency of lung qi. These phenomena are not in our daily life. Rare. In addition, on hot summer days, people often feel thirsty, sweating, dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, chest tightness, palpitations, short urine, etc. Chinese medicine refers to these symptoms of deficiency syndrome as typhoid.

   In the long summer season or the turn of summer and autumn, due to the hot and rainy weather, the surface temperature is high and the humidity is high, and it is in the season change season, the temperature changes from heat to cool, which causes the temperature to fluctuate. During this period, especially in the southeast coastal areas with more rain, the above-mentioned spleen and spleen were often caused by feeling wet and evil. Some people often suffered from fatigue, tiredness, fatigue, swollen head and upset, and little food. Symptoms such as diarrhea are known in Chinese medicine. Therefore, pay special attention not to be greedy, cold, or unclean, otherwise dysentery, diarrhea, etc. may easily occur. In addition, summer dampness, cold heat (that is, summer cold), and summer heat (zhai Yinzhai, referring to the discomfort of cough and fever caused by summer heat) are also common diseases caused by summer heat and humidity in the human body. .

  (2) Principles of food health in summer

  Transition of star shifts and reincarnation of the four seasons are natural laws, and no one can avoid them. So, in order to be able to spend the summer smoothly, work and live better, especially the susceptible people with common diseases in summer, what problems should we pay attention to and what basic rules should be followed? From the perspective of TCM health and dietary supplements, we should look at the following: Point your eyes.

   1. Clearing the heart and removing heat, clearing away heat and detoxifying. Chinese medicine believes that summer is hot, and summer is attributed to the five internal organs, which is suitable for tonic. The heart likes to be cool, and it is advisable to eat sour. For example, you can often eat some wheat products. In addition, you can eat more pork, plums, peaches, olives, pineapples, celery, etc. Chinese medicine pays attention to the unity of man and nature, and yin and yang complement each other. Therefore, people should eat more cold and sour food in summer, and try not to eat spicy and warm and dry things. However, it should be noted that raw food cold drinks should not be excessive, so as not to damage the righteousness of the body and cause disease.

   2. Clearing away heat and dampness, relieving thirst. Because the human body consumes a lot of fluid in summer, Tianjin should pay attention to clearing away heat and relieving thirst, and because heat and dampness are equally important during this period, more attention should be paid to clearing away heat and dampness and clearing away heat during the summer. Chinese medicine believes that Changxia is attributed to the spleen in the five internal organs, and it is also appropriate to cleanse. According to the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, excessive humidity is not good for the spleen, so it is appropriate to eat more Ganliang or Ganhan in the daily diet. But it should be noted that because bitter food has the function of diarrhea, dryness and firmness, it should not be eaten. The summer is extremely hot and hot. People like to drink cold and drink too much water, causing moisture to easily invade the human body. When the outside wets into the inside, the water wets the spleen, causing the spleen and stomach to rise and fall, and the people''s transport function is impaired, which will cause water accumulation and loss of appetite. Therefore, in the summer, we should eat foods with dampness and dampness, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the spleen health can restore its function of lifting and transporting, which is beneficial to water and dampness.

   3. Strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, invigorate qi and yin In the summer, the weather is hot and the human body consumes more. On the one hand, it is urgent to supplement nutrients and body fluids. On the other hand, due to the influence of summer heat and humid climate, it is easy to cause insufficient spleen and stomach qi and gastrointestinal dysfunction. Therefore, the diet should be based on the principle of strengthening the spleen and stomach, with soups, soups, juices and other soups more light, and can promote appetite, easily digestible diet, so as to achieve the purpose of health care. At the same time, eat less or do not eat greasy thick, fried food, and the amount of food per meal should not be too large, should be based on the principle of a small number of meals. If some people already have the symptoms mentioned above, such as summer fever, heatstroke, summer heat, heatstroke, etc., according to the point of view of TCM health care, pay attention to the target, dialectical diet, or spleen and lung qi deficiency, or qi , Yin Shuangbu.

   In short, heat and dampness are the physiological reactions that often occur in the human body in summer. The above three principles are determined according to the physiological phenomena or adverse symptoms that the human body is prone to in summer. In practice, friends should also combine the different characteristics of their respective physical constitutions and be prone to appear in summer according to the local meteorological conditions at that time (such as turning from warm to warm at the turn of spring and summer, turning from hot to cool at the turn of summer and autumn, and the microclimate in various regions, etc.) The response is to dialectical diet.

  (3) Summer food health content

  Chinese medicine health often emphasizes that medicine is not as good as food, and food is not as good as God. It can be seen that food supplement plays an important role in health maintenance. So how to pay attention to the diet in the hot summer days, and safely spend the often-called "bitter summer" in the folk? Based on clinical observations and experience, combined with the knowledge of traditional Chinese diet, I think we should pay attention to the following points.

   1. It is advisable to clear up in summer. Chinese medicine believes that the stomach is the foundation of the acquired day, and the spleen is the main source of water. In summer, people often feel loss of appetite, and the spleen and stomach function is relatively slow. The dietary supplements generally have slightly lower total calories, and their nutrients are composed of two highs and two lows (the protein content should be slightly higher, the cellulose content should be higher, and the fat and sugar content should be slightly lower), so light food and vegetarian food are used the Lord. The staple food should be rice and soft food (also known as semi-liquid diets such as porridge, noodles, steamed buns, cakes, bread, wonton, dumplings, cold noodles, steamed dumplings, etc.) made from stalk rice and wheat flour as the main ingredients, and various soups , Soup, paste, etc. For non-staple food, meat, poultry, eggs, aquatic products, vegetables, melons and fruits, milk honey and other foods with sour acid (the best is cold or flat) or sweet and cold (or Ganping) should be used. Use sweet and sour condiments. Food cooking should be based on cold, fried, steamed, boiled, stewed, braised, and to ensure proper intake of salt.

  Here may wish to list some foods suitable for selection in the summer diet for friends to choose, such as green beans, white lentils, watermelons, lychees, lotus seeds, silkworms, buckwheat, jujube, pork belly, pork, Beef, tripe, chicken, pigeon meat, quail meat, crucian carp, turtle, turtle, bee milk, honey, duck meat, milk, goose meat, tofu, sugar cane, pear, etc. Also, foods that are sour and cold in nature, such as loquat, mango, pear, tomato, etc.; flat foods such as green plum, grapes, plums, linberry, lemon, peach, olive, pineapple, etc.; warm foods such as wild Chicken, hawthorn, bayberry, ebony, apricot, vinegar, etc.; foods with good properties are: wheat, sorghum, barley, yam, black rice, gluten, mung bean, tofu, black sesame, watermelon, potato, loofah, eggplant, persimmon , Wild rice, reed root, seaweed, kelp, clams, water chestnuts, daylily, asparagus, winter melon, cucumber, radish, etc.; foods for removing heat and dampness, clearing away heat and detoxification are: mung bean, chrysanthemum, wild rice, bamboo shoots, water chestnut, Loofah, cucumber, amaranth, water chestnut, herring, crucian carp, silver carp, etc. The main foods for nourishing spleen and nourishing yin and nourishing qi are: lotus root, wild rice, tomato, carrot, egg, goose, duck, herring, crucian carp, silver carp, tofu, wolfberry and so on.

   2. Remove heat and dampness, clear heat and detoxify. Foods with this effect can be roughly divided into the following categories. The sweet taste is cool, which can strengthen the spleen and dampness, dampness, and water. The foods that can dispel heat and dampness are: soybeans, green beans, shepherd''s purse, golden needle vegetable, eastern melon, winter melon seeds, etc.; the sweet or flat food can be Foods for heat-clearing and detoxification or heat-removing heat are: lotus leaf, bullfrog meat, tea juice, watermelon, winter melon, winter melon seeds, loofah, cucumber, melon, sorghum, celery, amaranth, water chestnut, sugar cane, malan head, etc.; Foods include: chrysanthemum, bitter gourd, banana, water chestnut, raw radish, eggplant, etc.; foods that can heat and dampen: greens, celery, needles, daisy, wild rice, bamboo shoots, cabbage, water chestnuts, etc. In addition, there are broad beans, red beans, herring, crucian carp, silver carp, flat fish and other foods that can strengthen the spleen and dampness.

  3. Summer fluid loss is more, it is better to remove heat and replenish the body, supplemented with nourishing yin and qi. Common foods with such effects are: fried barley flour, spinach, lotus root, wild rice, watermelon, melon, melon, peach, lemon, apple, grape, coconut, orange, grapefruit, mandarin, sugarcane, mung bean, tomato, bamboo shoot, cucumber , Carrots, wolfberry seedlings, tofu, slippery vegetables (mallow), clam meat, goose meat, white duck meat, eggs, milk, etc. In addition, regular eating mulberries, lotus seeds, etc. can also remove heat and dryness.

   4. To strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach in summer, it is advisable to control cold food and cold drinks. Appropriate consumption of cold drinks can play a certain role in removing heat, but it should not be too much. For example, ice cream, ice bricks, egg cones, etc. are made of milk, eggs, sugar, etc. Although the nutrition is good, but overeating will reduce the temperature of the gastrointestinal tract, causing irregular gastrointestinal wall contraction, which can induce abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. symptom. In another example, various carbonated drinks, soft drinks, etc., most of which have low nutritional value. Drinking more will damage the spleen and stomach, affect appetite, and even cause gastrointestinal dysfunction and other symptoms.

  (4) The health-care meals available in summer

  The summer spans from the turn of spring and summer to the end of summer and the beginning of autumn and the period of time is longer. During this period, physical energy consumption is large, so in addition to daily attention to work and rest, you can also make some nutritious meals at home when you have tonic effects. The following are some alternative recipes.

   1. Staple food: sesame porridge, mushroom rice porridge, tofu vegetable porridge, hawthorn porridge, lotus seed porridge, egg flower porridge, rice oil porridge, barley rice porridge, corn porridge, buckwheat porridge, grape porridge, Goose porridge, wheat rice porridge, tomato porridge, sorghum porridge, red bean rice, mung bean rice, red bean porridge, mung bean porridge, loofah porridge, green leaf vegetable porridge, etc.

  2. Dishes: Fried shredded eggplant with garlic, sweet and sour lotus root slices, lotus root soup, stir-fried loofah, tomato scrambled eggs, shredded needlewort, ground chicken (water chestnut) stewed chicken, raw mixed celery Shredded radish, steamed chicken with lotus leaf powder, simmered chicken with lemon juice, bitter gourd chicken wings, diced chicken with pineapple sauce, tofu egg, lion''s head with leek, gluten-free gluten, spinach and egg flower soup, red bean chicken soup, winter melon slice soup, golden needle soybean soup, tomato winter melon Soup, tofu soup, etc.

   3. Tonic wine: can choose fruit wine such as apple wine, Sydney wine, seaweed wine, mulberry wine, Poria wine, wine, hawthorn wine, ebony wine, bayberry wine and so on. However, the drinking of this kind of fruit wine should also be restrained. Excessive drinking will reduce the body''s resistance and gastrointestinal function, and may even cause alcoholism and induce certain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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