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How to adjust the nutrition of winter diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   The temperature in winter drops, and the external yin is dominant. The human body is affected by the external environment, and the yin also increases relatively. Therefore, following such characteristics and paying attention to nourishing yin, you can get twice the result with half the effort. In addition, the severe cold weather also increased people''s metabolism, and the skin blood vessels contracted and dissipated less heat. Therefore, in the winter diet, you can add more thick sorghum flavor, such as stewed meat, boiled fish, hot pot and so on. Specifically, the main points of the winter diet regimen are as follows:

  (1) Eat more high-calorie, warm food The principle of cold winter diet is to have rich and sufficient nutrition and sufficient calories. Second, things should be warm and help protect the body''s yang. Under the guidance of this theory, Chinese medicine summarized some cold-proof food, for example, Lamb, beef, ham, chicken, dog meat in meat; chili, pepper, garlic, ginger, mushrooms, chives, leeks in vegetables; walnuts, longan, chestnuts, jujube, dried apricots, lychees, oranges in fruits , Grapefruit, pine nuts, etc., that is to add enough nutrition, and protect the body''s yang, eat the body must be warm.

  (2) Eat more nourishing food Although it is refreshing in winter, it is too dry. When the humidity of the weather is only 22%, it is inevitable that the lips will be dry. Dry winter is particularly easy to cause cough, and this kind of cough is almost dry cough. The treatment method is mainly moisturizing. In short, when the winter is dry, anyone should "run a moist", such as eating some old sugar water (Place it in orange peel with cold water and cook it with rock sugar for about 2 hours), carrot horseshoe water, stewed apple, etc.

   (3) Focus on food supplement In order to enhance physical fitness, many people are used to taking some supplements in winter. Ginseng, deer antler, donkey-hide gelatin, astragalus, etc., of course, are beneficial to the human body, but if taken improperly, they will often bring some side effects, and proper supplementation, that is, economical and no side effects. Therefore, winter health supplements should first follow the principle of "medicinal supplements are not as good as food supplements".

  If the elderly have no obvious chronic diseases and digestion is normal, then they should eat some nourishing, easily digestible ones in winter according to their hobbies, economic conditions, environment, etc. Food supplements. For example, soy foods, walnuts, polenta, green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes (sweet potato), yam, etc. are mainly used in combination with some animal foods such as lamb, shrimp, duck, crab and so on. In addition, honey, white fungus, longan meat, fungi (such as shiitake mushrooms, etc.) can also be eaten in an appropriate amount depending on personal preferences and physical response.

  The following recipes can also be taken according to the disease:

  (1) Lamb The lamb is braised or stewed with onion ginger, rice wine, soy sauce and other ingredients, and is eaten in moderation at each meal. It has the effects of warming tonic deficiency, appetizing and spleen-enhancing. It is suitable for people with weak stomach, postpartum deficiency, tracheitis, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis, anemia, and all patients with cold.

   (2) Red dates 10 red dates, boiled soup to drink once a day. Or 1 black date, steamed once a day. It has the effects of nourishing blood and nourishing qi, nourishing the spleen and stomach, quenching thirst and regenerating the body, strengthening the spirit and strength. It is suitable for those with spleen deficiency, chronic diarrhea, frailty, hepatitis anemia and thrombocytopenic purpura.

  (3) Black fungus After boiling black fungus 3-5 grams of warm water, add sugar to stew. Or the white fungus is boiled with warm water and then simmered with rock sugar, eat in moderation every morning. It has the functions of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs and improving the body''s immune function. It is suitable for those with heavy menstrual bleeding, hemorrhoids, fundus bleeding, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.

   (4) Honey Take 1-2 tablespoons of honey daily in the morning and evening in warm water. It has the effects of clearing away heat, nourishing, detoxifying, moisturizing and pain relief. It is suitable for patients with chronic constipation, ulcer disease, hepatobiliary system disease and chronic pharyngitis.

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