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What do you pay attention to in winter

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   Winter supplementation has become a traditional folk custom. The motherland medicine has the theory of "winter storage essence" and "autumn winter nourishing yin", and believes that timely winter supplementation is a good season for strengthening. Three years of severe winter supplementation can maximize the energy of nutrient conversion to participate in the body. And the 9th of the winter solstice is the turning point in the year when yin qi is extremely strong and yang qi begins to be saved. Therefore, at this time, tonic, yin nurturing vitality, nourishing essence and rejuvenating, help the body''s yang to grow, and lay the foundation for the health of the next spring from spring to the whole year.

  Winter temperatures are low. In order to ensure a constant normal body temperature, the human body needs to consume more energy in the body. According to the experimental report of modern meteorology, total serum protein, albumin, hemoglobin, carbon dioxide binding capacity and gastric acid secretion are always higher in winter than summer. As gastric acid secretion increases, the body''s ability to digest and absorb nutrients increases accordingly. This "contradiction of needs" is more pronounced in middle-aged and elderly patients with frail health and chronic diseases, and the demand for "compensation" is more urgent.

  However, no matter from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine or modern medicine, the purpose of supplementation is to make up for its deficiencies, that is, what nutrients the body lacks, it is to supplement nutrients. Therefore, for a healthy person, if he is not weak in his own body, he will lose the meaning of "make up" if he goes to make up again. As the saying goes: the medicine symptom matches, rhubarb also makes up, the medicine symptom does not match, ginseng is also poisonous. Therefore, tonics must pay attention to objects and methods to be targeted. Generally speaking, people who are weak after the illness, women who have just given birth to a child, breast-feeding children and elderly people with impaired regulatory function, long-term sickness and patients after surgery need to be supplemented.

   is divided according to the types of supplements that are commonly used at present, and can be roughly divided into two categories: medicine supplements and food supplements. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, "medicine supplementation is not as good as food supplementation". For people with weak gastrointestinal function after illness, they often need "food supplementation". By adjusting the function of diet to nourish the internal organs, and promote the recovery of digestion and systemic conditions, this will play a role that drugs cannot. Of course, the two categories of tonic food supplements and medicine supplements should be said to have their own merits. In general, if the deficiency is obvious or weak after illness, it is appropriate to use medicine to supplement at the beginning; the deficiency is not obvious, the purpose is to exercise, or the physical weakness after medicine has been improved, you may wish to choose tonic.

   To make up for winter, it is best to make a supplement first, that is, "bottom supplement". The so-called "bottom" is to lay the foundation, you can choose to stew beef with stew, or stew with stew, red dates, peanuts and brown sugar to adjust the spleen and stomach function. You can also stew some lamb and add ginger to make lamb jujube soup, which has the same effect. On this basis, taking tonics can increase the tonic effect, and there is no such thing as "emptiness is not tonic".

  When taking tonic, it is best not to eat cold and greasy food, so as not to hinder the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, affecting the absorption of tonic supplements. During the tonic period, if you have a cold, fever, or diarrhea, you should temporarily stop taking all kinds of supplements to prevent the tonic medicine from being evil. In addition, the target of winter supplements generally refers to people with debilitating illnesses. As for those who want to enhance their physical fitness, it is better to exercise and increase general nutritional foods.

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