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Take you to know back muscle fasciitis

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   "Doctor, my back is often sore and stiff, like a steel plate."-This is a sentence often said in front of me by many young patients working at their desks. Indeed, in orthopedics clinics, the source of pain for many patients is on the broad back.

  With socioeconomic Development, more and more pain in the field of orthopedics is closely related to people''s working style and lifestyle. Before, I had a 24-year-old female patient in the spine surgery specialist outpatient clinic. Her occupation was advertising in the media-enviable; but her working status was not enviable-she had to work on the computer every day. I stayed for more than ten hours, and even took a leave of absence from seeing a doctor.

  She often feels that her back is very stiff, like a piggyback plate, which is very uncomfortable. When I palpated the back, I felt that the muscles that should have been very elastic became very tense. And have tenderness. In fact, her back did not turn into a copper wall and iron wall, this is just a very common orthopedic disease-back muscle fasciitis.

  Back muscle fasciitis, also called back muscle fibrositis, the main predisposing factors are: chronic strain, cold, dampness, etc. In particular, the back muscle contraction for a long time causes edema, exudation, and fibrosis of the back muscle fascia and muscle tissue, resulting in a series of clinical symptoms. Its pathogenesis is that chronic strain causes damage to the back muscles and fascia and changes in fibrosis, leaving the soft tissue in a high-tension state. There is a slight tearing injury, and finally fibrous tissues increase and contract, and local capillaries and peripheral nerves are squeezed. In addition, moisture and cold contract the muscles of the waist and back, ischemia, and edema cause local Fibrous slurry oozes out and eventually forms fibrositis.

   For office workers who work at a long-term desk, they seem to work while sitting, and there is not much physical strength, but the muscles in the back of the neck are in constant tension for a long time. If you don’t pay attention to the small breaks between work If it does, chronic fatigue will occur over time, and the probability of back muscle fasciitis will multiply. The main manifestation is diffuse blunt pain in the back, especially at the neck-shoulder junction and the scapular area. Sometimes there will be local chills, numbness, and muscle cramps. The characteristics of pain are: pain in the morning, light in the day, relapse in the evening, prolonged inactivity or excessive activity can induce pain, a long course of disease, and seizures due to fatigue and climate change.

   In the treatment aspect, first of all, we must solve the long-term desk problem according to the cause. For IT people, accountants, students and other "high-risk occupations", we should pay attention to intermittent work and study breaks (continuous desk 40 minutes, should rest 5 minutes , And do neck and back activities); In addition, pay attention to warmth, local hot compress, prevent cold and other measures have a significant effect on relieving the disease; for acute attacks, pain is obvious, you can consider giving oral medication or local closure treatment, the vast majority Most cases can be cured.

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