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There are many benefits of thickness matching (1)

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

  Diversification of food is a basic requirement for a balanced diet, and staple foods should also be diverse. But diversification is not "patterning," such as buns, rolls, noodles, cut noodles, pancakes, bread, biscuits, etc. It seems that there are many varieties, but it is actually a food-they are basically made of refined white flour and have common Nutritional characteristics, so these are just "patterns" in eating methods, not "variety" in cereal varieties. Variety of staple foods refers to eating a variety of cereals and beans. To this end, the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007" recommends that the staple food should be thick and thin, and eat 50 to 100 grams (1 to 2 two, dry weight) of coarse grains every day.

   1. Talking about coarse grains

  Coarse grains and fine grains are a set of relative concepts. The grains such as rice and white noodles that we usually eat are finely processed, and the harder outer layer of the grain is removed completely, and the taste is delicate, so it is "fine grain". Those grains that have not been finely processed retain the hard outer layer of grains and have a rough taste, which is called "coarse grains". Because the hard outer layer of the grain is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, etc.) and minerals (such as calcium, zinc, etc.), the nutritional value of fine grains is lower than that of coarse grains, and the more The finer processed grain, the lower its nutritional value.

  Coarse grains include multiple meanings. The first refers to cereals other than rice and wheat, such as corn, millet, sorghum, oats, barley, and buckwheat, and is also called "coarse grains" in the north. For various reasons, such as millet grains are too small, and oat and buckwheat grains are too sticky, they are not suitable for fine grinding. The second refers to rice or wheat that has not been refined, namely brown rice and whole wheat. Like whole grains, they belong to intact grains. In the West, they are called “whole grains” (wholegrains). They are only processed by shelling and retain the hard outer layer and embryo part of grains. They are rich in dietary fiber like coarse grains. Vitamins and minerals. The third refers to mung beans, red beans, lentils, fava beans, kidney beans, dried peas and other miscellaneous beans (except soybeans). Although they are not cereals, their nutritional characteristics are very close to cereals, and they are usually not milled or even eaten with skin, so they can be classified as coarse grains.

   The so-called thick and thin collocation is to introduce a certain amount of the above-mentioned coarse grains into a fine staple food. my country has a tradition of eating coarse grains. The "whole grain food" highly regarded in western developed countries is actually what our country calls "coarse grains", such as real whole wheat bread.

   2. Coarse grains are beneficial

   First of all, coarse grains contain more nutrients than fine grains. Taking vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 as an example, if the food is made of whole white flour, the amount of vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 obtained in one day is only equivalent to 15% to 25% of the daily requirement; if *white rice is less; and if By eating whole wheat food, you can get 80% to 95% of the daily requirement. The nutrients lost when the grains are grinded are very alarming (Table 2-2). After fine grinding, more than 70% of the vitamins and minerals in the grains will be lost, and dietary fiber will lose more.

Second, eating coarse grains helps prevent and cure chronic diseases. Compared with fine grains, the biggest advantage of coarse grains is that they contain more dietary fiber. Coarse grains are one of the most important sources of dietary fiber required by the human body (another important source is vegetables and fruits). Insufficient dietary fiber intake is one of the biggest defects in the diet structure of urban residents. In the past (before the 1970s), because dietary fiber could not be digested and absorbed, it was thought that it did not have any nutritional effect. However, after the 1980s, people gradually changed their views. In 2004, the Food and Agriculture Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization pointed out that dietary fiber has at least the following physiological functions: increasing fecal volume, softening feces, stimulating bacterial fermentation in the colon, reducing total cholesterol and/or low density in the blood The level of lipoprotein cholesterol lowers postprandial blood glucose and/or insulin levels. From this, it is not difficult to understand that coarse grains rich in dietary fiber have an important role in preventing and treating constipation, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, fatty liver, diabetes, gallstones, and certain cancers. The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that adults consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber daily.

  Body weight and thickness are more beneficial (2)

   3. How to eat coarse grains

  We recommend that urban residents eat coarse grains (separately) every day, Or 1/3 of the whole-day staple food is coarse grains (to eat with fine grains). WwW. HAoshuDu.COm coarse grains retain the hard outer layer of grains, so whole grain coarse grains (such as brown rice, millet, corn, sorghum rice, etc.) are difficult to make delicious rice like rice, generally suitable for cooking porridge; milling Powdered coarse grains (such as whole wheat flour, corn flour, buckwheat flour), etc., if directly made into buns, rolls, noodles, cakes, etc., the taste is generally poor, and can generally be mixed with refined white flour in a certain proportion before cooking and eating; Mixed beans can be mixed with granulated grains to make rice or boiled porridge, can also be made into stuffing (such as bean bags) and flour with food.

  ①whole wheat

  whole wheat flour refers to flour ground with wheat grains without removing bran, its color is darker than fine flour, and the taste is also rough, but due to retention In addition to the large amount of vitamins, minerals and cellulose in bran, the nutritional value is higher. Food made from whole wheat flour is whole wheat food. Many people know that whole-wheat foods start with whole-wheat bread, but there are fewer genuine whole-wheat breads on the market. Most products are just embellished with a small amount of wheat bran on the surface. The main ingredient is still white flour, and whole wheat flour is very little. Its taste is still soft and will not make you feel rough.

   By comparison, whole wheat buns on the market are much better. Although many whole wheat buns also contain refined white flour, the proportion of whole wheat flour is larger. Of course, whole wheat buns are also not true. Generally, the tighter the texture of whole-wheat buns, the more bran the little bit of bran, and the darker the color becomes, the greater the proportion of whole-wheat flour.

   Of course, the most worthy practice is to buy whole wheat flour by yourself and make pasta at home. Whole wheat flour (with a small proportion of refined white flour depending on the situation) can be used to make steamed buns, rolls, bean paste, dumplings, buns, noodles, pimple soup, pancakes, fire, etc. Unfortunately, some commercially available "whole wheat flours" are also not well-deserved: a few white bran flakes dot the white flour. The purpose of this is to extend the shelf life, because real whole wheat flour contains wheat germ and other components, polyunsaturated fatty acids in wheat germ are easily oxidized, so it is not convenient for long-term storage.

  It should be noted that even when buying ordinary flour, do not think that the whiter the flour, the better the quality. Normal flour should be slightly yellowish in white. Flour is as white as snow, but it''s actually not good. This aspect may be because the grinding is too fine and the flour is whitened. Such flour has a large loss of nutrients and low nutritional value; on the other hand, it is also possible that too much flour whitening agent-benzoyl peroxide is added Caused by. Benzoyl peroxide is an oxidant widely used in the chemical industry. It can promote flour maturation, improve gluten strength, and increase whiteness. However, benzoyl peroxide has a strong destructive effect on β-carotene and vitamin B in flour. It will also oxidize and destroy vitamin E and vitamin K, which is very harmful to the human body.

  ②Brown rice

  Brown rice refers to the grains of rice grains after the husks are removed. Brown rice is generally eaten with rice porridge. Unlike the usual white rice (mainly the endosperm part of the seed), brown rice is composed of three parts: cortex, endosperm and embryo (brown rice is milled to remove most of the cortex and part of the embryo and becomes fine rice). Due to the high content of cellulose in the brown rice skin, the color is brown, and the texture is hard, the texture is rough, and it is not easy to cook when cooked. Cooking brown rice requires soaking several hours in advance (or overnight), or using a pressure cooker, which is time-consuming and time-consuming. In addition to the cortex, brown rice also retains intact embryos, with strong respiratory activity and high water content, so it is not suitable for long-term storage. Don''t buy too much at a time.

  The brown rice cortex contains more vitamin B1, vitamin B2, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients; the embryo contains more unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and zinc, so the nutritional value of brown rice is higher than that of polished white rice.

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