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Characteristics and principles of winter diet health

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   In winter and March, the temperature drops, the weather is cold, all things are hidden, and the vitality is declining, which is a good season for replenishment. Chinese folks have always had the custom of making up for winter. And people more and more clearly realize that "medicine supplement is not as good as food supplement", pay attention to the normal diet in the normal diet to achieve the purpose of "tonic". It is also scientific for people to admire winter supplements. One is that the tonics and tonics are more warm and suitable for low temperatures in winter; the second is that the nutritious food with greasy and thick flavor is easily digested and absorbed by people in winter; the third is that the nutritious food is easy to store and preserve, which is conducive to continuous use without deterioration The fourth is the objective of the human body to adapt to the cold winter climate environment, but also to increase nutrition and heat. It is also the need for people to resist aging and prolong life.

   In winter, in addition, severe cold weather also increases people''s metabolism, so winter diets can add more sorghum thick flavor, such as stewed meat, boiled fish, hot pot and so on.

  (1) Characteristics of winter climate and human metabolism

  It is well known that the winter climate is characterized by "cold". Han is considered to be Yin evil, and the external yin is dominant. The human body is affected by the external environment, and the yin is also relatively increased. The yang of the human body is hurt, which is conducive to the absorption of yin. Generally there are the following evidence: (1) due to cold stimulation, the small blood vessels around the skin contract and the resistance of blood circulation increases, resulting in poor blood and blood clotting and unfavorable operation; (2) due to cold stimulation, human skin pores contract Without sweaty skin, the blood vessels contract and dissipate less heat, causing muscles to contract and stretch slowly. Common skin is pale, the body surface and limbs are cold; (3) Due to the cold weather, people''s outdoor activities are reduced, and the body''s metabolism is the highest in a year. Season. At this time, the human body consumes high energy, and nutrients are most easily absorbed and stored. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the five elements in winter belong to the kidney, and the body is characterized by the accumulation of kidney essence. Therefore, following this feature, focusing on nourishing yin and kidney and filling essence can achieve a multiplier effect.

  (2) The principles of keeping healthy in winter food

  1. It is recommended to replenish the kidney and fill up the essence, which should be warm. Traditionally, it is believed that winter weather is cold, and cold evil is easy to damage kidney yang. It is appropriate to eat warm food and treat cold with food heat. The kidney is the root of the human body and the source of human life activities. It nourishes the yin of the five internal organs and produces the yang of the five internal organs. Therefore, the main principles of winter health and food intake should be to nourish the kidney, warm the Yang, strengthen the body and strengthen the body. The food taken in winter should be warm and avoid cold. Often venison, dog meat, lamb, sparrows, leeks, shrimps, chestnuts, walnuts, to warm the kidney Yang, sea cucumber, turtle meat, sesame, black beans, etc. should be filled with essence. From the point of view of modern nutrition, foods with warm supplements in winter have high calorie content, rich nutrition and strong nourishing effect, and are extremely rich in protein, fat, sugar, minerals and so on. Generally, the protein content is greater than 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight, the fat content is greater than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight, and the sugar content is greater than 6 grams per kilogram of body weight.

  2. Continue to make up, suitable amount is appropriate. The dialectical application of its own physical type can be used to supplement the certificate in winter, which can enhance physical fitness and promote health. People with normal physique should pay more attention to choose anti-aging, strong and healthy diet, and insist on winter health tonic, that is, to add enough nutrition and protect the body''s yang. However, it should be noted that the nourishing items with greasy and thick taste should not be overdose, so as not to hurt the spleen and stomach but instead have poor effects and damage health.

  3. Warm compensation is particular. It is only suitable for people with pathological changes such as yang deficiency or cold and dampness. It is not suitable for people with yin deficiency and strong heat and signs of real heat. Those who have symptoms such as high fever, thirst, constipation and five upset fever. If the patient has an acute disease, the supplementation should be suspended, and the supplementation should be continued after the condition is stable and dialectical.

   4. Moisturize and prevent dryness. Although it is refreshing in winter, it is too dry, which will inevitably make your lips dry. Dry winter is particularly easy to cause cough, and this type of cough is mostly dry cough. The treatment method is mainly moisturizing. People should "run one" to prevent dryness. For example, eat some old sugar water (add orange peel with cold water, cook it with rock sugar for about 2 hours), carrot horseshoe water, stewed apple, etc.

  5. Pay attention to the use of supplements. In order to enhance physical fitness, many people are used to taking some supplements in winter. Ginseng, deer antler, donkey-hide gelatin, astragalus, etc., of course, are beneficial to the human body, but if taken improperly, they will often bring some side effects, and proper supplementation, that is, economical and no side effects. Therefore, winter health supplements should first follow the principle of "medicinal supplements are not as good as food supplements".

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