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Red bean bergamot

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Fine fiber is made of hand jade, red sand layer, blue fingers are exquisite. It''s actually a magical chef, with a strong aroma.

  Soft and soft food Steamer, steaming hot, only a moment, etc., 氤氲disperse handy, gluten bean nutrition is more balanced.

   There are many Chinese folk pictographic pasta, such as the big flower steamed buns during the Chinese New Year, fish cakes, clear-faced hedgehogs, white-faced little money dragons, crispy little yellow ducks, etc., but they can be used as daily food Not many, and bergamot roll is one of the well-deserved dishes.

  The bergamot not only implies goodness, it is also known as a healthy and long-lived gourmet, and nutrition is indeed a lever. Bergamot rolls mainly use white noodles as the main ingredient and red bean paste as the filling. The flour is soft after yeast processing, and the homemade red bean paste is rich in dietary fiber, minerals and B vitamins. The bergamot roll does have remarkable health benefits, such as the balance of gluten beans in the amino acids. Cereals mainly lack lysine, and beans lack methionine. The protein bioavailability is low when eaten alone, but eating grains and beans together can eliminate the short-term effect of amino acids and make the protein value of flour and red beans. More than ten percentage points higher.

  Partnered with flour and whole beans, the highlight is not only the increase in protein value, but also the benefits of dietary fiber and B vitamins. As we all know, the daily rich and strong powder is excessively refined, and most of the wheat germ and wheat bran have been removed, so dietary fiber and B vitamins are very lacking. Using homemade red beans as stuffing, not only avoid alkali or baking soda, but also add a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals to the food. In the process of fermentation of bergamot rolls, the role of yeast makes the B vitamins increase, and the degree of starch gelatinization increases, which is beneficial to gastrointestinal digestion, so it has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach.

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