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Please don't underestimate wheat bran

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

  In our life of polished rice and white noodles, with the increase of people''s awareness of health care, they began to look for cellulose-rich foods in their lives, and the bran that is removed during the processing of wheat grains contains cellulose, half Cellulose and pectin are high-fiber foods. Adding high-fiber foods to the diet will increase stool volume and improve stool habits while increasing fat and nitrogen excretion. This can be used clinically to treat "fibre-deficiency" diseases, such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease, diabetes, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, colon tumors, constipation, and intestinal allergy syndrome. The effect of wheat bran cereal fiber on constipation is better than that of fruits and green vegetables.

  We know that the main catabolism process of cholesterol in the human body is excretion through feces, and after eating high fiber food wheat bran, etc. It can increase the excretion of cholesterol from feces. Serum cholesterol will decrease and the formation of atherosclerosis will slow down, so don''t underestimate it. Let me introduce that we should not chase the fine white flour in our flour, eat some seven or five powder, six five powder, whole wheat flour, wheat bran content is rich. Eating more wheat bran-rich foods in the spring is beneficial to the heat of the body in the winter, reducing the external cold caused by it.

   Therefore, in our daily life, we can eat more high-fiber foods, which is of great benefit to ourselves.

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