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Get rid of asthma freely (1)

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases worldwide, and the incidence is increasing year by year, especially among children. Due to various reasons, in our country, especially in remote places, the treatment of asthma The latest method is not yet popular. In many places, countless infants and young children with asthma are misdiagnosed, and the most primitive method used to treat asthma is still decades ago.

  Fortunately, with the Internet Popularity, more and more doctors are devoted to the study of childhood asthma, and gradually understand the latest treatment methods, it turns out that asthma can be treated and controlled, as long as the regular inhalation of medicines, no injections are required, almost all patients can Stop coughing and wheezing symptoms, prevent severe asthma attacks, normal study, life and work, normal or near normal lung function.

   I hope the following popular science knowledge can help your child’s asthma treatment! I hope that all children with asthma can get rid of asthma and play freely. (The following articles are mainly written by our asthma experts) p>

  Common sense articles

  1. What is asthma

  Bronchial asthma is a chronic airway allergic inflammatory disease. The airway''s responsiveness to various specific or non-specific stimuli is abnormally increased. Typical clinical symptoms of asthma can occur-recurrent wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness, or cough and other symptoms, often attacks and exacerbates at night and (or) early in the morning, and widely variable reversible airflow restriction often occurs, most Children can be relieved by treatment or by themselves.

  2. Who is susceptible to asthma

  Asthma may occur in people of any age. However, most of them started in childhood and were common in infants and young children younger than 3 years of age and asthma in children older than 3 years old, with slightly different symptoms and diagnostic criteria. People of all races may suffer from asthma. Among adults, 0.5% suffer from asthma, and children suffer from asthma more commonly. Due to different definitions, it is difficult to get an accurate number, which is about 10 times that of adults.

  3. Is asthma inherited

  Bronchial asthma has a certain genetic tendency, it is not strange that several people in a family suffer from asthma, but this The situation is uncommon. If you as a parent have asthma, does your child have asthma? That’s not necessarily. However, if one parent has asthma, the child has a high chance of developing asthma. If both parents have asthma, then the child''s chance of getting asthma is higher. As for those with severe asthma, the children may not be the same or heavier than their parents, depending on the treatment.

  4. Is asthma dangerous?

   For most children with asthma, it can be cured if timely and systematic treatment is given. However, some parents believe that childhood asthma will be fine until puberty, and it does not matter whether it is cured or not. In fact, some childhood asthma can develop into adult asthma. Asthma is more serious, there are many symptoms that are difficult to cope with, there are several attacks a year, there is a certain risk. The main cause of death from asthma is delay. Usually it is because it is too late to realize the asthma attack, or ignore its severity. Asthma attacks, no matter how fast or slow they come, must not be ignored. When the condition deteriorates, you need to go to the hospital for treatment.

  5. The hazards of childhood asthma

   epidemiological survey shows that the prevalence of childhood asthma in China is 0.5~2%, individual places Up to 5%. In recent years, the incidence of childhood asthma has continued to increase. In 2000, our province participated in the national children’s asthma epidemiological survey and found that the prevalence of childhood asthma in our province is 1.43%, which is the same as 1.01% in the 1990s. This is an increase of 0.5 times. Childhood is an important period for the treatment of asthma. If children''s asthma is not treated with standardized treatment, it will not only cause repeated attacks of the disease, cause serious damage to lung function and endanger the health of life; on the contrary, in children, children with asthma are properly standardized Treatment can make the disease well controlled or even completely cured, so the early diagnosis and early treatment of asthma in infants and children and children is the key to asthma treatment.

  6. What is the etiology of asthma in children

  The etiology of bronchial asthma is multifaceted, including the specific internal factors and specific allergens And other external factors.  ① Genetic allergy constitution: Children with asthma can often find out the tendency of exudative lesions of skin and mucous membranes, such as history of eczema, urticaria, angioedema, etc., and family members often have similar medical history. ② Allergens: pathogens and their toxins that cause infections; inhalation of inhalants and irritants; certain foods such as seafood, milk, spices, frozen foods, etc., can also cause asthma attacks in infants and young children, but a small number, 4 After 5 years of age, it usually decreases gradually.

  7. Parents should not treat children’s asthma as a cold

  The initial symptoms of some infants and young children are runny nose, repeated or persistent cough, or in the respiratory tract Infection is accompanied by wheezing, so it is easy to be misdiagnosed as acute upper feeling, bronchitis, pneumonia. Therefore, if the child repeatedly suffers from a cold, develops into the lower respiratory tract, lasts for more than 10 days, or is treated with anti-asthma drugs, the possibility of asthma should be considered. Never use antibiotics and cold medicines endlessly as simple respiratory infections.

  8. What is the GINA program for asthma

  Because asthma has become a disease that seriously affects people’s health, it has attracted worldwide attention. The Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the Hospital of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) convened more than 30 experts from 17 countries to develop the Global Asthma Management Prevention Initiative (GINA) to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of asthma, although the GINA program is in China It has been implemented for many years, but most doctors and patients do not fully understand this. Asthma has not entered into the long-term standardized management in our country 6%, the vast majority of patients have not entered the management, which seriously affects the treatment effect of asthma. Since most general hospitals do not have respiratory specialists in pediatrics, children with asthma have less management of GINA.

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