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Smart Eyes Choosing Milk Products (2)

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

  Milk powder is a milk product that is easy to eat. It is usually made from fresh milk after being concentrated and spray dried. Among them, the loss of heat-labile nutrients (such as vitamin C and vitamin B1) is relatively large. The advantage of milk powder is that it is easy to store and can be made into milk powder of different formulas suitable for various people. Moreover, many liquid milk products on the market are actually "recovered" by mixing milk powder with water. Therefore, the nutritional value of milk powder is similar to most ordinary milk.

  4. Cheese

   cheese, also known as cheese, is made by fermenting lactic acid bacteria (or using rennet) to solidify milk protein (mainly casein) and squeezing out whey. Made from dairy products. Generally, it takes about 1 000 grams of milk to make 100 grams of cheese, so the relative content of cheese nutrients is much higher than that of milk and yogurt. In the cheese production process, lactose is either fermented into lactic acid or discharged with whey, so cheese is basically free of lactose, suitable for lactose intolerant people and diabetic patients. Cheese is rich in protein, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D, and the content of B vitamins is also very high. The main problem with edible cheese is that during the process of condensing milk into cheese, the cholesterol and saturated fat in the milk are also concentrated, and there is a risk of weight gain and blood lipids when eating too much.

   5. Skimmed or low-fat milk

   skimmed or low-fat milk is a milk product that has undergone skim processing to significantly reduce the fat content in milk. The content of fat is low, the fat content of skimmed milk is less, and cholesterol is reduced by 90% compared with whole milk, so it is suitable for people who require low-fat diet such as overweight, high blood fat, fatty liver, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diarrhea patients. Skimmed or low-fat milk is also suitable for people who drink a lot of milk. For example, pregnant women should drink 500 grams of milk per day in order to intake enough calcium, but in order to avoid simultaneous intake of too much saturated fat, some or all Choose low-fat or skimmed milk.

  During fat removal, it also causes the loss of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E, and the calorie content decreases, so skimmed or low-fat milk is not suitable for infants Optional. In addition, defatted or low-fat milk loses its inherent aroma due to a decrease in fat content and a reduced taste.

  . Butter

   Butter is also called butter, butter is also called "butter" butter, and its main ingredient is fat in milk.

  The fat in milk exists in the form of tiny fat globules. There is a layer of protein film on the outside of the fat globules that can "affinity" with water, helping the fat globules to be evenly suspended in whey. If the whole milk is centrifuged, the fat microspheres in the milk will float on the upper layer. The product obtained by separating them directly is called cream. The fat content in the cream is only 20% to 30%, which still exists in the form of fat balls, so the cream is still white. Cream is also referred to as cream daily, which can be used to add to coffee and tea, and also used to make desserts and sweets.

   If the milk or cream is vigorously agitated, the protein film of the tiny fat globules breaks and the fat flows out of the small globules. After losing the protection of protein, fat and water cannot be melted together, and they are inevitably separated. The milk loses its milky white color, and the milk fat shows its original color-light yellow. At this time, separate the upper fat, add salt and squeeze to remove the water, which is the daily butter. Many people call it "cream", which causes a certain degree of confusion with cream. The milk after fat removal is called skimmed milk.

  Cream mainly consists of saturated fatty acids and has low nutritional value. It is completely different from milk, and eating more is not conducive to health, so it is not a dairy product recommended by dietary guidelines.

   7. Milk drinks or yogurt drinks

  There are many popular milk drinks and yogurt drinks (or lactic acid bacteria drinks) on the market. According to the national standard, this kind of product only needs to contain 1/3 of milk to be qualified, so its protein content is usually only about 1%, and the protein content standard of milk is ≥% (flavored yogurt protein content standard is slightly lower, ≥ %). Although the packaging and price of these products are very close to milk or yogurt, the taste and flavor may be better than milk or yogurt, but the nutritional value is much lower than ordinary milk or yogurt. They are just drinks, not dairy products recommended by dietary guidelines. In daily life, do not replace milk or yogurt with milk drinks or yogurt drinks.

  The way to identify two types of products is to look at the protein content on the label. As long as the protein content is about 1%, it is a milk beverage, not a dairy product.

   8. Formula milk powder

  Most formula milk powder is based on the nutritional content of milk, imitating the composition of breast milk as much as possible, so that its nutritional value is close to breast milk. In addition to breast milk, formula milk powder is the preferred milk product for infants and young children.

   9. Goat milk

  Compared with milk, goat milk has its own advantages. Goat milk is easier to digest than milk. According to the "Chinese Food Composition Table 2002", goat milk has higher vitamin A, potassium and iron contents than milk, but protein and calcium contents are lower than milk.

  10. Condensed milk

  Condensed milk is divided into sweet condensed milk and light condensed milk. Sweetened condensed milk achieves the purpose of preservative by adding a large amount of sucrose (over 40%), and the sweetness is very high. At the same time, the nutritional value is reduced because the sugar content is too high, so it is not suitable to replace ordinary milk. Light evaporated milk concentrates milk by evaporating water to achieve preservative purposes. Because no sugar or other substances are added, the nutritional value is high and can be used as a recommended dairy product.

In summary, different milk products have their own characteristics on the basis of ensuring the basic nutritional content of milk, suitable for different people and different requirements. Ordinary adults can choose most dairy products at will, and special groups such as infants, children, and certain patients must choose targeted dairy products.

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