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Teach you how to cook a lazy meal with balanced nutrition

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Many people work very hard. After returning home from get off work, they are not willing to bother to make more troublesome meals. So, what are the simple, easy-to-prepared and balanced meals that can make it easy for us to eat dinner? In fact, simple foods can also be balanced and delicious. There are many such examples around everyone. For example, the rice porridge in our family diet can cook such a simple and balanced nutritious food. As long as you have a few tips, you can easily handle it and deal with it easily. .

  Real porridge To be moderately thick

  Many people know that the spleen and stomach should be properly adjusted in autumn to better digest and absorb food. The most common nutritious foods for spleen and stomach are all kinds of cereals and beans.

  Northerners are more adept at cooking porridge, especially when the weather gets colder. It''s not good porridge if the porridge is boiled, but it''s too thick and sticky, and it''s difficult to eat. It''s only the kind of porridge that is moderately thick and moderate in viscosity. Only when the porridge is soft and rotten can the starch granules in the porridge fully bloom, and thus it will be more completely heated and gelatinized. The degree of starch gelatinization is directly proportional to the absorption probability of nutrients, so it is a waste of nutrition to say that the porridge with clear soup and little water and the "under-fire porridge" with no soft glutinous rice grains. Everyone knows "drinking porridge to feed people", but many people don''t know the reason why porridge can feed people and what is the trick to cook more nutritious and delicious food with porridge.

  It is also porridge, why is it so different?

  We often make rice and millet porridge, and these two kinds of rice are both Cereals generally lack lysine. Lysine is the limiting amino acid in cereals, which affects the biological value of protein in food. So, is there any way to improve the nutritional value of this porridge, and it has no impact on taste and aroma?

   In fact, this is a relatively simple balanced nutrition method, but also to make food more A little trick for nutrition. We all know that lysine is indeed in cereal foods just now, so finding a food rich in lysine can supplement its deficiency. This kind of food is beans. Beans include soybeans that are abundant in Northeast China, and others such as black beans, red beans, plum beans, peas, etc. can be eaten together with cereals. The nutrition of legumes is really rich. Take soybeans that we are familiar with. Soybeans are rich in protein, soybean isoflavones, soybean polysaccharides and soybean oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, not Saturated fatty acids, soy sterols and other important nutrients, these are unmatched by cereal foods, especially lysine in the protein of beans can supplement the shortage of cereals, while the slightly lacking methionine in beans can be found in cereals It’s a perfect match. The porridge made with rice or millet grains and soybeans and other beans is much more nutritious than the porridge made with cereals. The protein biovalence of this mixed porridge is therefore Increased by more than 20 percentage points, and can also play a good role in adjusting blood pressure, stabilizing blood sugar, and controlling blood lipids.

   Let''s talk about the nutritionally balanced fragrant porridge. In fact, the model of this multi-grain porridge is the traditional Babao porridge. What kind of rice, millet, glutinous rice, soybean, red bean, mung bean, red date, lotus seed, peanut... in the eight-treasure porridge can be said to be the essence of porridge, the most beautiful porridge in the world! The more ingredients are matched, their nutrition The more perfect the complementation, the higher the nutritional value, and this pot porridge can be easily obtained in just ten minutes. We only need to wash the original wash before work in the morning, and then soak it in the bowl, only to return home at night and put these ingredients in a pressure cooker or electric cooker for 15-20 minutes. At that time, a pot of fragrant and delicious porridge is very easy to cook!

  How to make the food more perfect?

  Miscellaneous grain porridge can be We provide a nutritious food that is easy to make, but there is still a shortage of this food. The carbohydrates in it are enough. If it is paired with beans, the protein will basically reach the ratio. However, as a meal, it still lacks enough vegetables. Vegetables are one of the foods we must eat every day. It can provide us with a lot of water-soluble vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements. So, is it okay for us to make one or two more vegetables within ten minutes of cooking the porridge?! Easy-to-eat fried vegetables, stir-fried vegetables with garlic or some simpler side dishes are good. Choose!

  Of course, since we said that we are teaching lazy rice today, if there is a lazier way, I will certainly teach you! In fact, vegetables can also be put in porridge together made. However, there are conditions: some fresh vegetables are the first choice for cooking meat porridge, provided that these vegetables are fresh and fresh, no strange smell, and relatively low oxalic acid content. For example, spinach, amaranth, bamboo shoots, wild rice, leeks and other vegetables with very high oxalic acid content cannot be put directly in the porridge. If they are put together, then boil the oxalic acid in boiling water and then put it away. Some fresh fungi are also a perfect partner for porridge. The fungi are rich in amino acids and are alkaline foods. They have acid-base balance with acidic bean and cereal foods, and can make up for each other''s amino acid deficiency. In addition, too many vegetables like shredded radish, lettuce, rapeseed, Chinese cabbage, parsley, yam, pumpkin, etc. can be added to the porridge. Only if we are not lazy can we also get nutritious food!

< p>  A reasonable combination of food is the most convincing nutritious food

  There are many examples of food in our lives that can provide a better basis for everyone. For example, some people who eat whole grains of beans are prone to excessive gas and bloating, so we will replace the beans in the porridge with other food ingredients. So, what are the more suitable raw materials?

  In the traditional diet of Guangdong, the change of porridge is overwhelming. The famous typhoon shelter boat porridge series abounds, and almost all of them can be said to be healthy and reasonable nutritional and beautiful porridge! The more common ones are preserved egg lean porridge, fresh shrimp porridge, beef celery boiled, raw fish fillet Congee, etc. The base of these porridges is basically rice white porridge, and then add various other meat ingredients on the basis of white porridge according to different personal tastes. Elephant skin lean porridge uses pine blossom eggs and pork shreds; fresh prawns are also used in fresh prawns and lettuce rich in vitamins; other porridges are also cooked reasonably according to this similar combination.

  We just said that the grains headed by rice are indeed lysine. In addition to beans, they can be supplemented. In fact, all kinds of meat are rich in lysine, which can be done. Kinds of collocations. In particular, some high-quality protein-rich ingredients are more balanced and reasonable, such as poultry eggs, lean meat, fish and shrimp, etc. It can be said that each porridge is an example of balanced nutrition.

  Finally, we should add some simple cooked or cold vegetable foods, so that a delicious dinner is more balanced and nutritious! It is recommended to add a fruit before dinner to supplement the necessary vitamins and Minerals.

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