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Misunderstandings about milk (1)

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

  Milk is not a traditional food for Chinese people. The large increase in milk consumption of urban residents is only a matter of recent years. In addition, there are many types of milk products on the market, different packaging, and product standards are not yet sound. Consumers have not yet mastered the method of identifying the quality of milk. Most people blindly follow product advertisements or choose only by taste, so that many Misunderstandings and wrong practices are even erroneous. There are also a few "experts" who completely disregarded the national conditions of the low milk consumption of Chinese residents, and talked about the harm of drinking milk (too much), confusing the audience. These errors have affected the normal consumption of milk and need to be clarified.

  Table 6-1? Milk Recommendation Quick Checklist

  Milk Products

  Population Liquid Milk Yogurt Ordinary Milk Powder Skim Milk

  ( Or skimmed milk powder) Formula milk powder cheese sweetened condensed milk light condensed milk notes

  ordinary adult + + + + +-+ ± +

   lactose intolerant ++-++--a< /p>

  Obese people + + + ++---+

  High blood lipid ± + ± ++----

  Diabetes + ++ + ±-+ +-±

  Indigestion++ + + + b

   infants (0~3 years old)----++---

   school age Former (3~6) + ++ +--++-+

   Teenagers (7~ + ++ +--++-+

   pregnant women and nursing mothers + ++ + ++-++ ± ±

  Description: "++" means most recommended and most suitable; "+" means recommended and okay; "±" means not recommended, but edible is not harmful ; "-" means objection, can not be used as dairy products; space (without any symbol), please read the remarks number "a" or "b" on the corresponding line. a lactose intolerant people can drink a small number of times, or other foods Eat together, avoid drinking on an empty stomach; b Choose according to the specific tolerance situation in indigestion, if there is tolerance, there is no limit.

  1. Drink milk to cause cancer

  《Chinese Resident Diet "Guide 2007" clearly states that it is a wrong assumption to describe the conclusions of certain animal experiments as "carcinogenic by drinking milk." Epidemiological investigations have shown that consuming a large amount of dairy products can reduce the risk of bowel cancer and increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, the amount of a cup of milk has no obvious effect on various cancer risks. The total intake of milk in the diet of developed countries is too high, and some countries even reach more than 1 kg per person per day, so it is recommended to reduce the intake of dairy products. China''s national conditions are different. The milk consumption of Chinese residents is much lower than that of developed countries. The average intake is less than one cup per day, especially the rural residents are less than 50 grams per day. Therefore, we should still vigorously advocate increasing milk intake.

  2. Milk can’t be consumed on an empty stomach

  Some people say that drinking milk on an empty stomach wastes protein as calories in vain. In fact, milk contains about lactose, which belongs to sugar and will take precedence Decomposes to provide protein that can be saved; milk also contains about 3% fat, which can also serve as a calorie supply. Therefore, drinking milk on an empty stomach will not waste protein. Babies under 1 year old can still drink milk on an empty stomach to absorb nutrition This fully proves that the nutrients in milk are very comprehensive and can be fully utilized by the human body. It is no problem for children to drink milk on an empty stomach. Why can''t an adult do it anymore?

Of course, if you are lactose intolerant, drinking milk on an empty stomach will indeed aggravate the symptoms. It is best to eat some starchy foods and drink milk a few times. Better, or drink yogurt instead. If lactose intolerance does not exist, drinking milk on an empty stomach will be fine.

   3. Infants and young children cannot drink yoghurt

   First of all, it must be clear that infants (infants) should prefer formula milk feeding rather than milk or yogurt. Secondly, for infants over 1 year old, the lactic acid bacteria in yogurt is harmless. Compared with ordinary milk, yogurt is more easily digested by young children. Yogurt is more nutritious than milk and also contains live lactic acid bacteria, which is beneficial to the balance of infant intestinal flora, improves immunity and promotes intestinal health.

   Some people say that live bacteria can cause infections in infants and young children. Lactobacillus is a fermenting bacteria and does not cause human infection. On the contrary, the stimulation of the intestinal tract by beneficial bacteria is conducive to improving the immunity of young children. Studies have confirmed that lactic acid bacteria can enhance the function of the intestinal immune system. Many foreign reports have shown that live bacterial yogurt can reduce the risk of rotavirus diarrhea in young children and promote the rehabilitation of children.

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