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How to eat late night healthy overtime

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   Some friends often work night shifts because of work, especially young people who are hungry after work in the middle of the night, either making instant noodles or going to the street to eat barbecue, spicy hot, and drink some beer. For a long time, everyone''s body began to have problems. Because of excessive intake of meat, greasy food or rest after eating, the digestion speed of food is slowed down, and digestive system diseases are more common.

  So why does it appear With these problems, is there any way to solve the midnight sleep for young people?

  Long working hours will increase the basal metabolic rate of the human body. As energy consumption increases, the body expects more calories. In the middle of the night or even after get off work in the early morning, it is difficult to fall asleep with the feeling of hunger like a hundred claws, so many people will prefer the seafood, barbecue and beer on the street. From the perspective of food digestion, the digestion time of meat is generally about 3 hours, and the digestion time of greasy mixed food is more than 4 hours. This long-term digestion will not only increase the heavy burden of the digestive system, but also reduce the gastrointestinal motility after sleep and rest. If the digestive work still has to be difficult, then the body will be overloaded in the absence of exercise. Not sick?

  Barbecued foods are heated at high temperatures to produce many harmful substances that are not conducive to health, especially meat on open flame grilling, because the fat in the meat is melted by the local high temperature and dripped onto the charcoal fire , The resulting smoke contains carcinogens-dioxin. After the fat melts and burns, a lot of smoke will be re-adsorbed on the grilled food. There is a carcinogen, 3-4 phenylpropiophene, which is generally condemned by nutritionists.

  Dioxins and 3-4 phenylpropylpyridine are important culprits in cancer of the respiratory system and digestive system, but a considerable number of people do not take it for granted, because the food on the open fire is very heavy The charcoal fire taste can better reflect its unique flavor. Eating too many meat foods during midnight will not only make the digestion time longer and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but also cause a large amount of digested residue to be stored in the large intestine for a long time, and the resulting spoilage toxins are then transferred by the large intestine Reabsorption, there are many hidden dangers to people''s health.

  Spicy is popular because of its ready-to-eat style and attractive taste. Hemp and spicy are the most stimulating taste sensations, usually make people have a big appetite and a strong appetite, unconsciously they will eat more and eat more. It is not known that the purine content of meat, soy products and fungi as the raw material of spicy hot food is relatively high, and the raw materials of vegetables contain more or less oxalic acid, which has caused a series of health problems. The high protein and fat caused by too much meat and fat will become a burden on the human body, especially after going home to sleep after eating, because there is not enough time to do enough exercise to consume energy, so the heat generated by these nutrients is Naturally, it becomes fat stored in the body.

  If some people especially like to drink some beer and other alcoholic beverages, alcohol will affect the excessive metabolism of purine in spicy scalding through normal metabolism, causing excessive accumulation of urate in the body and inducing terrible metabolism Sexual diseases---- gout. The spicy hot soup has a high concentration of purine and calcium oxalate due to long-term blanching of these ingredients. Many of the ingredients we eat in spicy hot foods are also harmful to health and high protein food metabolism Nitrogen-containing wastes need to be excreted by the kidneys after metabolism, so people who often eat spicy hot will inadvertently increase the burden on their kidneys.

  So, what food is most beneficial to human health at midnight?

  In the case of overtime, we take a portion before going to bed Carbohydrate-based foods, and then add an appropriate amount of fresh vegetables can supplement the body''s consumption. Carbohydrate foods have a good satiety and are easier to digest and absorb. Some simple processed pasta or porridge, ravioli, rice balls, and steamed buns are good choices, especially fermented staple foods. It takes up to an hour to digest in the body. Carbohydrates are metabolized into glucose. As the body''s preferred calorie source, it can be absorbed and utilized within the first time, which will not cause any adverse effects on the body.

Appropriately adding fresh vegetables to midnight food not only has attractive color to increase appetite, but also supplement trace elements in time, and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber will also help gastrointestinal motility and reduce cholesterol Absorption. But instant noodles are not the best choice. It contains not only the saturated fatty acids brought by palm oil, but also some preservatives, and no other fresh vegetable raw materials.

   If you drink a glass of milk or yogurt at midnight, it is more beneficial to health, because the time at 2 a.m. is the stage of the lowest blood calcium level in the body. Ingesting foods with high calcium one hour before bedtime Calcium supplementation is the most reasonable and necessary measure. The best food for midnight snacks is bread and milk or yogurt, steamed buns and wontons, tomato and egg noodles or shredded noodles with green vegetables and pork, rice dumplings and other soups, hot and hot food.

   In addition, because about 12 to 2 am is basically the time to repair the metabolism of the digestive system, for example, during this period, the intestinal villi must be updated and repaired, and the liver cells are also detoxified and updated, so try not to work overtime. Too late to affect the normal repair and update of body tissues.

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