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How to eat beef is the most nutritious

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Beef is eaten in a variety of ways, whether grilled, stewed or fried, all have different flavors and endless aftertaste. I love the healthy low-temperature cooking method, so the simmered beef is naturally the most eaten and made more. Since low-temperature cooking belongs to the category of healthy cuisine, let''s analyze the beauty of it!

  Combination of lycopene in tomatoes and protein and fat in food is more conducive to human body absorption and utilization. When cooking, vitamin C There will be relatively little loss under the protection of lycopene. Generally, the loss rate of vitamin C in tomatoes within 15 minutes of cooking at a low temperature of less than 120 degrees will be within 30%.

  The beef brisket contains a lot of collagen, which is what the crushes like to use for beauty and beauty, but when the content of collagen is only sufficient in the content of proline and lysine in the food, vitamin c It will be converted into human collagen with the help of. In this way, the tomatoes rich in vitamin C are not to be let down! The iron rich in beef is heme iron, which is more easily absorbed by the human body than the non-heme iron in plants!

  The human body has ingested enough Iron will increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells in the blood, so that all tissues and organs of the human body have sufficient oxygen supply. Therefore, women often eat some iron-rich foods more easily to make them look ruddy and refreshed! With so many benefits, do you still worry about eating meat?

  With years of experience in clinical nutrition catering, Let me tell you the cooking skills of tomato stewed beef brisket!

  Tomato stewed beef brisket:

  Efficacy: increase immunity, nourish qi and nourish blood Stay fit.

  Sirloin sirloin with tomatoes, you need to choose a pound of fresh red tomatoes and a pound of sirloin with some muscles to be the best.

   In addition, a little star anise, pepper, chives and ginger garlic are also used to deodorize and flavor. We need to chop the sirloin into large pieces of walnuts, and cut the tomatoes into pieces of the same size.

   Clean sirloin without blanching, stir-fry the star anise peppers with a little oil and stir out the aroma, then use the oil grate to remove it, add ginger garlic slices and beef and stir-fry until the sirloin surface is slightly dry. Add more broth or boiling water, stir in a saucepan for an hour and a half or cook in a pressure cooker for 18 minutes.

   Take out the stewed sirloin and pour it in a wok, put tomato pieces and seasoning, simmer slowly for 15 minutes to collect the juice, thicken with chives and sprinkle with chives.

   A large bowl of fragrant tomato stew sirloin is done, its delicious flavor will definitely activate your appetite, and every cell of yours will salivate!

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