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Which kind of salad should I eat to lose weight

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   Young people generally prefer to eat salads during weight loss. They think that the fruits and vegetables used for salads are very low in calories, and are relatively fresh and nutritious foods. All kinds of fresh fruits or crispy and tender All vegetables can be served. Western-style salads are popular with everyone. Because they are fragrant and easy to handle, almost everyone can make them. But what you may not know is the production process of salad dressing and how much heat is generated by the large amount of fat and egg yolk.

  Generally, fat and water are Quick stirring or boiling at a certain ratio can form a state of water-in-oil (salad dressing) or oil-in-water (white milk soup). Salad dressing is more than 50% fat and egg yolk and water quickly mixed in cis, fat and fat in egg yolk and water have an affinity effect, after forming a water-in-oil state, add mustard, white vinegar or other condiments Just reconcile the taste.

   Because salad dressing contains a lot of fat, if two tablespoons of salad dressing are used in each salad, it can produce more than 200 kilocalories of calories, which has no obvious beneficial effect on weight loss. Therefore, especially for girls who love it, it is better to choose other suitable diet foods.

   The so-called "Chinese salad" is actually a familiar dish that everyone is familiar with. Like Western salads, they are made with fresh and crisp vegetables. Many fresh and tender vegetables in life can be eaten directly, such as gherkins, lettuce, radishes, small tomatoes, sweet peppers, bitter chrysanthemums, bitter herbs, lettuce, etc.. Too many vitamins and minerals can be used for our selection. These fresh vegetables can be dipped in yellow sauce, bean paste or sweet noodle sauce after simple washing. These fermented sauces not only have much less calories than salad dressings, but these Chinese sauces are fermented by soybeans or flour The product, the protein in the sauce, and the B vitamins are very rich, which is much more nutritious than the salad dressing.

   In addition, with the popularity and popularity of yogurt in recent years, it has also become a suitable seasoning for making improved fruit salads. Yogurt contains more protein and calcium, and it tastes sweet and sour, which is similar to salad dressing. And because the yogurt is relatively thick, especially the traditional solidified yogurt has better adhesion, which is very suitable for salad. The fruit acid in the fruit also helps the calcium in the yogurt to be absorbed by the body. If you want to reduce the amount of salt in your diet, then try yogurt salad!

  Whether it is a sweet sauce salad or a yogurt salad, it can provide a lot of nutrition and calories for girls who lose weight. Both are relatively low, suitable for weight loss food. Examples of weight-loss salads:

  Sweet sauce salad:

  Colored bell peppers, tender lettuce, bitter chrysanthemum, white radish, etc., cut into long strips and red cherry tomatoes , 1 tablespoon of sweet noodle sauce.

  Yoghurt Salad:

  Pineapple, honeydew melon, banana, apple, mango, Hawaiian papaya are cut into diced, two tablespoons of solidified honey yogurt and Stir together the diced fruits and sprinkle the black sesame seeds on the salad.

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