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What are the treatment methods of "computer eye"?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Vitamin A is an essential vitamin that is extremely important to the human body and is also the easiest to lack. It is mainly stored in the liver of animals. Lack of vitamin A The most common manifestation is dry eye. In modern society, white-collar workers or professional staff in many companies frequently suffer from dry eyes, astringent eyes, tears in the wind, and even night blindness because they watch the computer screen for a long time every day, or often work overtime all night.

  Traditional Chinese medicine talks about staying up late to hurt the liver , Need to liver to liver. So where is the liver injury after overwork? These symptoms are almost all related to the lack of vitamin A. Staying up late or using eyes too often will cause a large amount of vitamin A in the liver to be consumed, so it must be supplemented in time!

< p>  Animal liver is a food rich in vitamin A content. When you mention the liver, many people immediately think of a lot of cholesterol. In fact, the cholesterol in the liver is not so much as everyone thinks, its average value is only half of the same weight eggs. The cholesterol content of pig liver and foie gras is more than 280 milligrams per hundred grams, and the cholesterol content of chicken liver, duck liver and sheep liver is slightly more, and it is also within 350 milligrams per hundred grams.

  The cholesterol content in eggs is more than 580 milligrams per hundred grams, and the cholesterol in Chai eggs has more than doubled to 1330 milligrams! The ratio of protein content in the liver to eggs is about 19.3 : 13.3, iron is about 10 times that of eggs, and the hemoglobin iron in the liver is more easily absorbed by the body. Experiments show that hemoglobin iron is more completely absorbed than non-hemoglobin iron, so the liver is recognized as the best iron and blood supplement food. So why do people worry about such high-quality food? In fact, everyone is concerned about cholesterol and pollution. The liver of an animal is not only the largest gland in the body, but also the largest detoxification organ. All the toxins in the food are It must be detoxified by the liver before being excreted by the body. There is more or less unmetabolized toxin left in the liver that everyone eats. Even so, we can still solve this problem by using reasonable cooking methods.

  The methods to solve these problems during cooking are:

  1. First of all, check the materials carefully, choose dark red color, smooth surface, no nodules and deformation, no Raw materials for odor and discoloration.

   2. During the initial processing, cut the liver into small pieces and soak it in plenty of water for one to two hours to release some toxins.

  3. With vegetables rich in vitamin C to help the absorption of iron in the liver of the animal, you can also put some black fungus as an ingredient, in addition to the color can be more "jump", attractive appetite, but also can help the survival Excretion of toxins.

   4. Put some garlic flakes or cooking wine when cooking pig liver dishes, which has a sterilizing effect. In addition, it must be fully cooked. Some people eat fatty liver tips that are particularly tender. Those with liver flakes will be free.

   5. Cholesterol in animal liver is definitely more than similar meat, about 3-4 times, so it is caused by hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis Patients with hypertension should respond to reduced or no animal liver.

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