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The relationship between food pairing and nutrition

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  The original meaning of nutrition does not only refer to the nutrients contained in the food itself, but also a process of how these nutrients can be digested, absorbed and utilized by the human body to provide people with normal physiological needs.

  We pursue health and advocate nutritious food The balance of nutrition is very critical. The food cooked is not only to fill the stomach, but more importantly is the satisfaction of the senses and the nourishment of the body.

  (一), the balance of meat and vegetables

  animal raw materials that contain a lot of protein and fat in dishes and those containing a lot of dietary fiber and inorganic salts The combination of vegetables and fruits can not only make the dishes more colorful, but also more beneficial to health. Taking braised pork as an example, it is very unreasonable to eat only meat and staple food. Even if you like meat, you will feel very tired. If you fry the stir-fried vegetables on the side, it will look good and delicious. Not only is the color matching beautiful, the dietary fiber in the greens can also stimulate gastrointestinal motility to help digestion, and can help excrete excessive cholesterol metabolism in meat, thereby reducing the harm of increased blood cholesterol concentration in meat food. This is also one of the reasons why many long-lived elderly people like to eat fatty meat while still in good health. Of course, it is not advisable to eat only vegetarian food, it will make the intake of nutrients unbalanced, especially the lack of protein and trace elements, also affects health.

  (2), Balance of acidic foods and alkaline foods

  The content of acidic elements such as sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine in foods is high and belongs to acidic foods; Foods with high calcium, potassium and magnesium content are alkaline foods. Acidic foods are mainly meat, poultry, eggs, aquatic products and rice, noodles; alkaline foods are mainly vegetables, fruits, beans, milk and individual hard fruits such as almonds, chestnuts, coconuts, etc.

  The human physiological environment is weakly alkaline. Too much acidic food is not conducive to health, and sub-health and even disease will occur over time. Such as children''s cartilage disease, adult constipation, fatigue, obesity, etc., middle-aged and elderly people with abdominal abdomen, prone to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, cholelithiasis, diabetes, etc. The diet structure of the Chinese is mainly plant-based foods, supplemented by animal-based foods. This combination is conducive to health and longevity. When cooking meat dishes, with a reasonable mix of some alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits, it will neutralize the acidity and prevent the occurrence of nutritional and metabolic diseases. Therefore, the daily diet is as large as the chef''s dishes and the nutritional combination of the feast is very important.

  (3), the balance between cold food and hot food

  The human diet is closely related to the climate and environment, and the human body also has yin and yang Points. Nature can be divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, and food can be divided into four types: cold, hot, and cool. In Chinese medicine, "the hot person is cold, the cold person is hot" is to achieve balance. Summer diet is easy to light, should eat more fruits and vegetables or cold food. To eat cold crabs in the summer heat, add some ginger and vinegar juice; in the cold winter, you can eat more meat, such as hot lamb plus some cabbage, vermicelli, etc. These are all balanced concepts that respond to the "cold ones with hot supplements and hot ones with cold diarrhea". Confucius Confucius advocated "no food from time to time" more than two thousand years ago, as well as the "moderation" and "balance theory" of traditional Chinese culture. It is true that any balance should not overemphasize a certain advantage. Do not eat food that meets the season. It''s bad for your health to eat hot and spicy and lamb in hot days. Chefs should also launch seasonal dishes in every season to guide consumers'' healthy and reasonable diet.

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