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Is it good to eat eggs every day

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   First of all, it can be said responsibly that eggs are one of the best sources of protein, and the protein content per 100 grams of eggs is 12.8g, which is a high-protein food with a protein biological titer of 100. Selenium 14.9mg, vitamin E 2.29mg, vitamin B2 content is 0.32mg, in addition to vitamin C and dietary fiber, there must be, eggs are really all-around, highly nutritious food.

  Eat the health benefits of eating eggs :

  1️、Supplement of high-quality protein

  High-quality protein foods are based on foods with comprehensive and balanced amino acids such as eggs. Not only is protein rich, but it is particularly easy to digest and absorb. Among them, boiled eggs, steamed custard, poached eggs are the best protein absorption rate, fried eggs are slightly worse.

  2️, protect the retina and the macula

  The macula is in the optical center of the human eye and is the projection point of the axis of vision, a bit like the picture tube of an old TV The previous position. The depression in the center of the macula is called the fovea, and it is the most sensitive place for vision. The macular area is rich in lutein, which is darker than the surrounding retina. If people always look at strong light, or as they increase in age, the lutein in the macular area is easily oxidized or lacking. You need to pay attention to intake from food.

   Eggs are rich in vitamin A and lutein, which are great antioxidants, help to clear oxygen free radicals in the body, and have more help to protect the retina and macular, For people who often use computers and mobile phones and often see strong light in their eyes, they have better protection.

  3️、Provide high-quality lecithin

   egg yolk is rich in lecithin, which is a kind of emulsifying cholesterol, softening blood vessels and preventing cardiovascular diseases Good nutrients are generally found in foods such as eggs, soybeans, roe, crab yolk, and animal liver.

  4️、Provide cholesterol necessary for human nerve cells

  Eggs are high-cholesterol foods, some people dare not eat them, they always feel that they will make their blood vessels It was full of cholesterol. In fact, even if you don’t eat eggs, meat foods also contain cholesterol, and our liver itself will synthesize more cholesterol every day. Cholesterol is an essential substance in the structure of nerve cells. If the body lacks cholesterol, it is more prone to dementia and forgetfulness. It is just enough to take cholesterol in moderation. One egg per day can not only supplement high-quality nutrition, but also not good for excess nutrition.

  In order to protect the minimum nutrition of the public, milk, eggs, flour and other foods have been strictly controlled in price, so everyone can easily eat these inexpensive foods.

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