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Be a meat eater (3)

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

  Many people like to "eat a big meal" when they eat meat. I think that is the only way to get rid of it. Needless to say, banquets, dinners, and buffets, some people are used to eating meat in one meal even when cooking at home, while the other two meals are relatively bland. Because protein in meat cannot be stored in the body, too much protein will be consumed as caloric metabolism, so this approach is highly undesirable.

   5. Beware of the pollution of fish and seafood

  Fish and seafood are the first choice for meat and are widely recommended. However, the pollution of fish and seafood (aquatic) food is often more serious than that of livestock and poultry meat on land. A basic reason is that the pollution of offshore waters and many lakes and ponds is relatively common and serious. Harmful pollutants in the water, such as lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals will accumulate in the aquatic animals along the food chain (bioconcentration). The pollution of shellfish seafood living in the sediments of the bottom layer of seawater may be more serious. Both the US FDA and the Hong Kong Department of Health have issued a warning that "pregnant women should not eat too much seafood." The US FDA''s recommendation is that pregnant women should not exceed 12 ounces (about 340 grams) of fish and seafood per week.

In addition to environmental pollution, the phenomenon of using antibiotics and other drugs in aquaculture is also common. At present, there are more than 100 kinds of antibiotics used in aquaculture, covering almost all the cheap and efficient antibiotics (usually with large side effects) used by humans, such as chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline. In order to reduce the residual amount of each antibiotic drug in aquatic products during the testing, some farming owners have adopted a combination of multiple antibiotics to make the problem of antibiotic residues in seafood more complicated (testing the concentration of antibiotics for a single variety may not exceed the standard, but there are several The total amount of antibiotics is staggering).

  In order to reduce the possible pollution of fish and seafood, we must first control the intake. The average daily amount is 50 to 100 grams, and the maximum is not more than 150 grams. Even if it is delicious, it should not be used. Secondly, do not eat internal organs, fish heads and skins (if you can peel them), because contaminants such as heavy metals are mainly concentrated on internal organs, head and skin surface. Finally, pelagic fish (such as Spanish mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon, etc.) are generally less polluted; while offshore fish, especially yellow croakers, flounders, and milts that live near the bottom of the coast, are generally more polluted . Among freshwater fish, black fish, carp, crucian carp are more contaminated, while grass carp, silver carp and other fish species that mainly feed on aquatic plants are relatively safe.

  . Three considerations for meat selection

  ①Purchase refrigerated meat "Poured sour meat" is also known as "cold fresh meat" "Cold fresh meat" "Poured sour meat" "Meat" is a kind of high-quality meat. Whether pork or beef, it can be made into a row of sour meat. This kind of meat is tender and juicy after cooking, the broth is clear, the taste is delicious and delicious, no fishy, higher quality and better nutrition than ordinary fresh meat.

After the animals were slaughtered, the initial meat was soft and called "hot fresh meat". Within a few hours, the meat will gradually become stiff, and this change will last for 1 to 3 days. At this time, due to strong muscle contraction, the taste of the meat is poor. After the hot fresh meat is cooked, the soup is cloudy, the taste is not beautiful, and the meat is relatively hard. If you freeze the hot fresh meat, it will cause stronger muscle contraction and a thicker texture. Therefore, frozen meat is the most unpalatable and the thawing process It can also cause nutritional losses.

  If the stiff meat is stored at 0~4℃ for a period of time, the meat will slowly return to softness. During this process, the muscle glycogen in the meat is decomposed into lactic acid, and the protein is slightly decomposed to make the muscles tender. Chemical, will also produce a lot of umami-like amino acids and nucleotides. After the meat undergoes such a "post-cooking" process (the soured meat from slaughter to sale, it takes about 2 days), it becomes tender, soft and juicy soured meat. This meat should be stored and sold in the freezer, otherwise it will easily deteriorate.

  It should be noted that after buying the sour meat, it is best not to freeze it, but to put it in a fresh-keeping box, which can be stored for 1 to 2 days, so don’t buy more at one time, so as not to deteriorate.

  ② The cooking effect of meat in different parts is very different? The meat of different parts not only differs greatly in nutritional value, but also has a very different cooking effect. Before buying, you must first figure out what kind of dishes you want to make, and then choose the meat parts according to your needs.

Generally speaking, for pork, loin is suitable for making shredded pork, the rear hip tip is suitable for making slices and shredded pork, the front shoulder is suitable for making stewed pork, pork belly is suitable for making twice-cooked pork and farm stir-fry, and the ribs are suitable for soup . For beef, sirloin is suitable for stew soup, tenderloin is suitable for beef curry or stir-fried shredded meat, sliced meat, and beef tendon is suitable for making beef sauce or beef stew.

  Pork belly has the highest fat content, followed by ribs, and then the hips. The tenderloin has the least fat and the highest protein content, and the highest nutritional value.

   ③ Beware of overly brightly colored cooked foods or meat products When eating out or buying cooked foods, beware of overly brightly colored cooked foods or meat products, which may contain excessive amounts of sodium nitrite or pigment. Not only is sodium nitrite toxic in itself, it may also react with amino acids to produce carcinogenic nitrosamines.

  When the family fry the meat, the meat will turn brown as soon as it encounters hot oil or hot water. The original color of beef is red and becomes darker brown; the original color of pork is lighter and brownish white. However, some fried beef, lamb slices, lamb skewers, and various kinds of ham sausages in some supermarkets and restaurants are still pink after being cooked, even brighter and more beautiful than when they are raw, because the meat is added "Nitra"-sodium nitrite. Sodium nitrite becomes nitrous acid in the meat, which is then reduced to nitric oxide, and then combined with heme to form a pink "nitrosoheme". Meat marinated with sodium nitrite remains beautiful pink after being cooked and fried. Some cooked foods are also dyed with synthetic red pigment during processing. Therefore, when buying meat products such as cooked food, ham sausage, etc., do not prefer to choose the red color variety.

   At present, some restaurants are keen to change the color of cooked meat, so that brown sauced beef is hardly available on the market. Beef, sheep and pork are all pink. Cooked chicken is either red or beautiful yellow, but this is not a normal color, but a coloring agent such as pigment or sodium nitrite is used.

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