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The advantages and risks of vegetarian food

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-11

  Vegetarianism is both a popular new trend and an ancient tradition of returning to nature. All animals depend directly or indirectly on plants for nutrition and sustain life, and humans are no exception. It is entirely possible for vegetarians to maintain health by eating plants and has certain advantages in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. However, just like non-vegetarians, vegetarians must be carefully matched to achieve full nutrition. Just the word "vegetarian" means that blindly eating vegetarian food does not ensure health.

   In fact, vegetarians are generally more health-conscious than non-vegetarians, and pay more attention to diet. This makes vegetarians often have better nutrient intake than non-vegetarians. A study sponsored by the University of Eastern Michigan and published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showed that of the 13,292 adults included in the scope of observation, compared with non-vegetarians, the fiber, vitamin A, and C of vegetarians And the average intake of vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and iron are higher.

  However, the nutritional advantages of vegetarians found in this study do not include protein, which is recognized as the most important nutrient. Gai because the protein content and quality of animal foods are higher than vegetarians. In addition, although the intake of iron in vegetarian food is high, its absorption rate is far less than meat. Therefore, in practice, those vegetarians who do not pay attention to diet are more likely to suffer from iron deficiency anemia (related to too low iron absorption rate), and low immunity (related to protein or iron deficiency).

  If vegetarian recipes can include eggs and milk (often referred to as "lactulin"), then the intake of protein and trace elements will be more guaranteed. At this time, vegetarian recipes have become very broad, and simply refusing meat still makes it easier to achieve a balanced diet.

  Soybeans and nuts are important sources of protein, calcium, magnesium, and zinc for vegetarians and are indispensable. Green leafy vegetables, red-yellow color vegetables, and fresh fruits are important sources of carotene (vitamin A), vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber. Coarse grains are an important source of vitamin B, magnesium, zinc and dietary fiber. Bacteria and algae also provide more B vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, potassium and dietary fiber.

  In short, if the vegetarian diet is based on refined grains (white rice, white buns), with vegetables, fruits, and potatoes, but lacks high levels of soybeans, nuts, whole grains, and fungi In the case of nutritious plant foods, such a bad combination will be unhealthy, and the nutritional advantages compared to non-vegetarians are beyond discussion.

  Vegetarians can use their advantages and avoid risks, depending on whether the diet is scientific. On the other hand, if you really understand the principle of scientific collocation of diet, why do you have to be vegetarian to achieve health goals? Meat collocation can also be done.

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