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Mung bean's "one drink and two foods"

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-12

  People will drink mung bean soup to prevent heatstroke and cool down in summer. Everyone can say a lot about the efficacy of mung bean, but the effect of mung bean skin is not enough. Then talk about the function of mung bean skin, which is more conducive to us to play mung bean The best effect.

  Mung bean appetizers are refreshing in summer and popular with residents in summer time. Mung bean soup, mung bean porridge, mung bean cake, thread noodles, and powder skin are all good foods. The efficacy of mung beans in medicine and food homology is well recognized. However, it is suggested that mung bean is cold, and those with physical deficiency and cold should not eat too much or eat for a long time, and those with weak spleen and stomach and diarrhea with loose stools should eat less.

  Mung bean skin, also known as mung bean clothing. It''s cold and sweet. Able to dispel fever and poison. Mung bean skin has stronger heat-clearing and detoxifying effect than mung bean kernel. Mung bean skin contains a lot of antioxidant components, such as flavonoids, tannins, saponins and so on. In order to highlight the heat-clearing and detoxifying effects of mung beans, three points should be noted when cooking: First, the boiling time should not be too long, boil for 3-5 minutes, preferably clear green soup. The second is to reduce oxidation and cover with a pot to cook properly. The third is to avoid cooking in iron pots and casseroles, and avoid the occurrence of food chemical reactions between the brass-like and metal ions in mung beans, so as not to interfere with the antioxidant capacity of mung beans and its therapeutic effects, and the soup juices become discolored.

  Recommendation: Mung beans drink two foods. One drink of mung bean soup, two meals of mung bean dishes. One drink of mung bean soup: When making mung bean soup, it is recommended that the ratio of mung beans to water is 1:10. Mung beans are boiled in boiling water to form green clear soup, and the bean soup is separated. The soup is not only a hot drink, but also has the most medicinal value for detoxification. Strong. The remaining mung beans can be eaten in two. Congee: Remove the remaining mung beans from the soup and eat them. Food: Stew the meat and poultry with the remaining mung beans, so that the taste and taste of the meat will change ideally. At the same time, the mung beans can also decompose the toxins in the meat products (fish and crab toxins).

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