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Moisturizing gourmet food in dry climate

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   These two days feel that the climate is extremely dry, often when the climate is dry is the key moment of our skin care. The dry climate draws water from our bodies and makes us wither. At this time, we must pay attention to skin beauty and body conditioning. Food that nourishes the skin is essential.

   Food is closely related to the physiology and metabolism of the skin and mucous membranes. Regular consumption of some foods suitable for us will supplement and metabolize the necessary proteins, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements of the skin and mucous membranes.

When the climate is dry, if you don’t pay attention, people will be invaded by dryness and evil, such as dryness, dryness, dry cough and no phlegm. Appropriate eating porridge can strengthen the stomach and spleen, moisturize the lungs, nourish yin and clear dryness. When cooking porridge, the proper addition of foods such as pears, radishes, sesame seeds and other foods is more beneficial to the lungs and moisturizing.

  (1) Pear porridge

   2 pears, washed and chopped with belt cores, added 100 grams of rice, and boiled porridge. Because pears have a good moisturizing effect, they are used to cook porridge and can be used as a health food for autumn.

  (2) Sesame porridge

  50 grams of sesame seeds, 100 grams of rice, first stir-fry the sesame seeds, grind them into fine powder, and after the rice is cooked, mix in the sesame food. It is suitable for constipation, dryness, cough, and dizziness.

  (3) Chrysanthemum porridge

   50 grams of chrysanthemum and 100 grams of rice, decoction the chrysanthemum first, then cook the porridge together. Because it has the effects of dispelling wind and heat, clearing liver fire, and improving eyesight, it has a good therapeutic effect on autumn wind-heat type colds, upset throat dryness, red eyes, swelling and pain, and also has a good prevention and treatment effect on cardiovascular diseases.

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