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Tips for pregnant women with edema in pregnancy

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

  Originally, I talked about pregnancy-related vomiting problems, but then a friend asked what to do with "pregnancy edema"? If you want a therapeutic method, do it like this!

  First, let’s understand why, and then Let''s talk about what to do. Pregnant women have edema of varying degrees at the ankle and even the whole body during pregnancy. Among them, the absence of hypertension and proteinuria is often called pregnancy edema. Depending on the location and degree of swelling, the names are Ziqi, Zizi, Wrinkled Feet, and Brittle Feet.

  Zi swollen occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. In light cases, the calves and feet are obviously swollen, which can be eliminated by rest; in severe cases, the edema extends to the thighs, vulva, and even the abdomen, and it is depressed.

Most swollen people have symptoms of spleen and kidney deficiency before pregnancy, such as anorexia, loose stools, backache, etc. After pregnancy, the spleen and kidney are more deficient, or salty, causing water and sodium retention, or Anemia, or emotional depression, caused by lack of energy.

  Diet to follow:

   1. To enter a low-salt diet, because high-salt will cause water retention in pregnant women, aggravating edema. Eat less pickles, tofu, salted fish, cured meat, salted eggs, etc.

   2. Eat more high-protein and nutritious foods, such as lean meat, fresh fish, eggs, soy products, etc.

  3. Because most of the swollen people have spleen and kidney yang deficiency, it is appropriate to eat warm food and avoid cold. Otherwise, it will hurt the spleen and yang, hinder the spleen and help wet, and aggravate the symptoms.

   4. Should eat more foods and drinks that are light infiltration and dampness, such as soy milk and tea.

  Therapeutic small prescription:

   1. 50 grams of adzuki beans, soak in warm water for 2 to 3 hours, put 500 ml of water, first cook red adzuki beans will rot, put 50 grams of rice, cook porridge. It is suitable for puffy limbs and short urine.

   2. Red carp 250g, red bean 30g, orange peel 6g, cooked, served with soup octopus once a day. You can also cook carp with sour vinegar once a day. Applicable to swollen qi and blood weakness.

   3. 250 grams of fresh crucian carp, cooked, until the soup white meat is rotten, even the soup octopus is taken once, once a day, 1 course on 7 days. Applicable to swollen anemia.

   4. 50 grams of winter melon skin, 60 grams of red adzuki beans, decoction for juice, tea replacement, once a day. It is suitable for swollen face accompanied by ascites.

  How much do pregnant women know? Pay attention to the difference between edema and pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, and often observe blood pressure changes and routine urine tests. If after 7 to 8 months of pregnancy, only the feet are swollen and there is no other discomfort, it is often a phenomenon in the third trimester. It is caused by the obstruction of the venous return of the fetal body, and it does not need treatment. It will disappear after delivery. The pathogenesis of subswollen is spleen and kidney yang deficiency, water and moisture loss or fetal gas choke, qi stagnation, water and moisture does not change, and it is "swollen" on the skin, so in the treatment of spleen and kidney Mainly. If the deficiency of spleen qi and blood causes edema, it should be supplemented with food supplementing qi and blood as adjuvant therapy.

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