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Rehabilitation in autumn, seize the "food machine"

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   Autumn is the harvest season, we have to seize the "food machine" to recuperate. It is very important to recuperate the body''s immunity and enhance disease resistance.

  Today, we want to seize the “eating machine” of edible seafood. In the autumn, fish, crabs, shrimp, and shellfish are the best time to get fat. Take this opportunity to nourish and not only get rich from it Protein, unsaturated fatty acids . The most worth mentioning is the rich zinc element in seafood. Why is this?

  The climate in autumn is changeable, which is the epidemic of influenza, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, mumps, and Japanese encephalitis. In order to increase the body''s resistance to sexual diseases, in order to increase the body''s resistance, zinc element is related to the body''s immune function. It can promote the release of thymosin from the thymus, improve or enhance the attack of T lymphocytes and the action of destroying pathogenic microorganisms, thus resisting the invasion of foreign enemies. To improve health. Zinc is involved in the metabolism of human proteins and nucleic acids. When the content of zinc in the body is too low, it is prone to taste and smell disorders, low memory, loss of appetite or exercise disorders, and can lead to chronic fatigue, heterophilia and premature aging.

  In our daily life, we often get zinc from oysters, animal livers and kidneys, peanuts, egg yolks, and nuts. In the golden season when seafood is abundant, we take zinc from oysters, shrimps and crabs. It can be said that autumn is similar to zinc, that is, delicious food, and it is conducive to enhancing its own immunity and disease resistance.

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