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Qingming small holiday-eat Qingming dishes

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   Qingming season, eat some Qingming dishes, just in time. Qingming dishes are often called shepherd''s purse, local vegetables, lettuce and so on. As early as the "Book of Songs" in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there is a record of "It''s as sweet as water chestnut". Nowadays, eating fresh and clearing the heat, we recommend a shepherd''s purse and tofu soup.

  Shepherd''s purse and tofu soup

  Materials: 250 g of tender tofu, 100 g of shepherd''s purse, 25 g of carrot, 25 g of mushrooms, 25 g of cooked bamboo shoots, 50 g of water gluten, salt, Appropriate amount of MSG, ginger powder, wet starch, fresh soup, sesame oil, raw oil.

  Making method:

  1 Tender tofu, cooked bamboo shoots, gluten and cut small cubes respectively. Wash the shiitake mushrooms and cut the small cubes. Wash the carrots, boil them in boiling water, remove them and dry them. Wash the shepherd''s purse and chop finely.

  2 Wok, add oil and cook until 70% hot, add fresh soup, tofu, mushrooms, carrots, bamboo shoots, gluten, shepherd''s purse, refined salt, ginger, boil and add MSG, dilute with wet starch , Pour sesame oil.

  Efficacy: Clear heat and water, reduce blood pressure and stop bleeding.

   Application: Internal heat, bitter mouth, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, blood in stool, and blood in urine.

  Tip: Shepherd''s purse functions to strengthen the spleen and water, hemostatic eyesight, clearing heat and detoxification, modern medicine has also confirmed that shepherd''s purse has hemostatic and blood pressure lowering effects, treatment of chyluria, nephritis edema, gastritis, enteritis, but also Treatment of ocular diseases such as redness, swelling and pain, conjunctivitis and night blindness. Therefore, shepherd''s purse and tofu soup also has the effect of clearing heat and water, reducing blood pressure and stopping bleeding.

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