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10 reasons why you often feel hungry

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-25

   "Summer is coming, it''s too late to lose weight. I think I''m a bit hungry." There must be more than one person lying in this sentence. Maintaining your body is very important, but why do you feel hungry? To lose weight effectively, it is best to know where your constant hunger comes from. After reading this article, next time you want to eat, you can use 10 reasons to convince yourself that hunger is an illusion.

  1. Water shortage

  Symptoms of hunger and dehydration are similar, and sometimes thinking can mislead us. For example, you will lack energy and sleepy. This means that you don’t have to eat every time you feel hungry; maybe it’s just that your body is short of water, you just need to add water. This is why I recommend that you drink a glass of water first so that you will know if you are hungry or thirsty. This method is very effective and can avoid excessive calories.

  Remember to drink plenty of water!

  2. Didn’t sleep well

  Appetite depends largely on how long we sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body will be so tired that you need extra energy. Therefore, every time you do not get enough sleep, you will eat more than usual. There is no doubt that healthy sleep will help you stay healthy while enhancing happiness.

  Sleeping more is very important for reaching the peak of life

  3. Overwork

  Continuous high-intensity work will affect eating habits. When you have worked hard for a day, most of you can''t help but reward yourself and eat something delicious. In addition, work pressure will also make your taste buds open.

   is off work, the main thing in mind is...

   4. Watching TV for too long

   When watching TV, people tend to eat more high Drink more sugary drinks with calorie snacks, so you will consume more sugar. For this, many people must want to say "what awful comprehension"!

Most people who watch TV don’t have a remote control or snacks...

   5. Alcoholism

  Alcohol is more likely to cause overeating than watching TV. Gastrin is a hormone that causes hunger, and excessive alcohol intake will increase ghrelin levels.

  Is this the reason for the existence of fried chicken...

  6. Insufficient protein and fat intake

  Hungry just after eating? That is likely Insufficient protein and fat intake. Eat enough protein and fat so that satiety will last for hours. After eating these nutrients, you need to spend a long time to digest, so you can avoid eating more food.

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  7. Irregular diet, often eat empty meals

  Many weight loss Of people are keen to rely on dieting and do not eat breakfast or dinner. In fact, this is wrong. For your stomach, eating one less meal means the next meal is more hungry!

  Hungry for a long time, you can eat missiles!

   8. Look at the food too much

   looked hungry, but this is not just casual. For example, when you go to bed late at night, your belly is just faintly empty. You can see all the crayfish, ice cream, cakes, and fruit on your Weibo circle. You say you are hungry or not!

  You are hungry. What do you mean!

   9. Eat too fast

   Eat slowly and eat quickly, and it’s easy to get fat. The words you often hear are not scary. Because eating is too fast and the stomach is full, but the brain has not responded, the brain thinks that you are not full, and then... you will eat it...

  10. Boring

When you have nothing to do at home, you will want to go to the toilet or open the refrigerator to find something to eat. Unfortunately, this open refrigerator will consume unnecessary calories. If you are hungry because of boredom, you should resist the desire to eat, and you can choose other items to enrich your life.

  Boring will also make you have a little belly

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