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Jujube eats improperly, adding disease

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21

   As the saying goes: If you eat three dates a day, Langzhong does not need to find it. However, some people have to eat hot tofu in order to replenish qi and blood. This is not a dizzy middle-aged woman. I have done many examinations and have not found the reason. Later, the doctor said that qi and blood deficiency need to supplement qi and blood, of course. When the qi and blood are full, it will not be dizzy. In order to replenish his qi and blood as soon as possible, not only eat jujube porridge every day, but also add an extra "small stove" in the office to eat some Ejiao jujube.

  As a result, there are urinary tract infections with frequent urination, urgency, and dysuria. In addition, there are many yellow belts. Why is this? Considering that there may be heat poison in the body because of the large hair. Gynecological inflammation, so she quickly went to see the gynecology.

   So what kind of people can’t eat more for Ejiao jujube or jujube? Like people with phlegm and dampness, this kind of person will usually have dizziness and eyes are fascinated, The mouth is sweet or sticky, the stomach swells frequently, the stool is sticky, and if you have a beer belly, you should also pay attention to not eating too much.

   Women''s menstrual period is also not suitable for eating, because Ejiao jujube blood can also promote blood circulation, which will cause excessive menstrual flow and can be eaten after menstruation; if you still have bad breath, frequent burning in the stomach, and Patients with weak spleen and stomach, or indigestion, eating more will affect your appetite. The author recommends consuming several gelatin dates or jujubes at a time.

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