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It is not good if the bone density is high or low

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-10

   Recently, a piece of news has set off an uproar-bone density can also predict the risk of breast cancer. This is the conclusion of a new study published in the American Cancer Society journal "Cancer" on September 1.

  An American University of Arizona School of Public Health named Zhao Chen''s scholars conducted a study of nearly 10,000 postmenopausal women (mean age 63 years) to evaluate the initial bone mineral density level and Gail risk model of these women. Subsequently, they conducted a follow-up survey of these women for an average of about 8 years to see which women eventually developed breast cancer. Women with high Gail coefficients have a 35% higher risk of breast cancer than women with low Gail coefficients. The study also found that for every unit increase in the total hip bone density T value, the risk of developing breast cancer increased by 25%.

   From the above research results, it can make people have the impression that the higher the hip bone density, the greater the risk of breast cancer. The scientific basis for their conclusions needs further research. But it also shows that bone density is a commonly used test, and its value is not high or low.

   Bone density examination: BMD Tests are an examination method to determine the health status of bones, which can identify osteoporosis, prevent fracture risk, and monitor the therapeutic effect of osteoporosis. Bone mineral density can be measured in multiple parts of the human body, such as hips, spine, wrists, heels, etc.

  Normal: BMD is within 1 standard deviation of the average of young people (+1~-1SD)

  Low BMD: BMD is lower than the average of young people 1~ 2.5 standard deviations (-1~-2.5SD)

  Osteoporosis: bone density is 2.5 standard deviations lower than the average of young people (below -2.5SD)

Severe osteoporosis: The bone density is 2.5 standard deviations below the average of young people, with one or more osteoporotic fractures.

  The diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis are based on the comparison between the bone density of known patients and the average bone density of normal young people. There is a standard deviation (SD) between the measurement results of bone density and the data of healthy young people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) diagnostic criteria, the definition of osteoporosis is based on the level of bone density, if the T score is "standard" Within the range, the bone mineral density is considered normal, and those who are 2.5 standard deviations below the normal average bone mineral density peak are called osteoporosis patients, and more than 95% of these people eventually fracture.

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