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Keep away from mental tension, away from neck and waist pain

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  As the rhythm of modern life continues to accelerate, people at all levels of society are increasingly feeling the heavy burden of mental pressure. So far, mental pressure has become a major "invisible plague" in modern society.

  2001, two German scientists A retrospective analysis of 900 papers on neck and waist pain was conducted. Their conclusion is: there is sufficient evidence to show that neck and waist pain and emotional factors (such as depression, dissatisfaction with work, mental stress, etc.) have a clear correlation. The mechanism is that chronic stress response causes chronic pain in the neck and waist.

  John of New York University School of Medicine Rehabilitation Center Professor Sarno, based on nearly 20 years of experience in treating chronic back and neck pain, believes that most cases are due to mental tension, leading to vasospasm, which prevents muscle cells from obtaining enough oxygen. According to Professor Sarno introduced that chronic tension causes physiological changes in some muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments. This change is not harmful in itself, but it can potentially cause pain. From this perspective, people with a strong, stubborn personality may be more likely to have neck and lower back pain due to mental stress.

In fact, in clinical work, the author also often finds that the occurrence of neck and waist pain is related to the mental tension and emotional abnormality of some patients, especially for such patients, the conventional treatment effect will always not be Too satisfied, most need to be supplemented by related psychological counseling and mental relaxation.

  Patients with neck and low back pain should maintain a positive life state and maintain a happy mood. They can usually participate in outdoor activities more than usual. Don’t be bored all day. Choose some places with better environment and adjust intense work. Relax your mind and stay away from the damage and impact of neck and back pain.

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