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Osteoporosis and some personal hobbies

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Osteoporosis is a pathological phenomenon closely related to aging. After osteoporosis, fractures are the most serious consequence of the disease. Common fractures of the wrist, thoracolumbar spine, and hips seriously affect the life of patients. quality. As everyone knows, some patients'' personal hobbies are inextricably linked to osteoporosis. The following are common.

  1, mouth weight: in food Adding too much salt will not only increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also lead to osteoporosis. Sodium in the body is excreted by the kidneys with urine, and it also depletes calcium. The more sodium the body needs to expel, the greater the calcium consumption, which will ultimately affect the calcium necessary for bone health.

  Messi, a nutrition expert from the University of Washington, recently invited a group of healthy menopausal women to do a two-week experiment in her laboratory. During the first week, she asked them to ingest 1,200 mg of salt daily from specially formulated food. By the second week, salt balls were given to increase the intake to 4800 mg. As a result, urine analysis found that when these women ate more salt, they had the bone-decomposing component N-telopeptide in their urine. The content is 6% more than normal, which proves that eating more salt will accelerate bone loss.

   2. Coffee and tea: Some studies have found that excessive intake of coffee and tea can cause osteoporosis, and excessive drinking of coffee can promote calcium excretion. Some studies have found that people who overdose coffee have an increased incidence of hip fractures. In addition, phosphorus-containing cola drinks are also of this type, and excessive intake should be avoided as much as possible.

   3. Smoking: Smoking can cause osteoporosis. Smokers are generally thinner than non-smokers, especially post-menopausal women, whose estrogen is mainly converted in fat, and fat loss will be further reduced Estrogen levels. Smoking mainly affects the outer layer of bone, which is the density of cortical bone, and the most affected is the hip bone. The hip bone density of smokers is generally lower than that of non-smokers by more than 5%. In addition, women who smoke secondhand smoke are also susceptible to osteoporosis.

   4. High protein intake: High animal protein diet can easily cause calcium deficiency. This is mainly because the sulfur-containing animal protein enters the human body, causing the blood to exhibit an acidic reaction, forcing the body to extract calcium from bone to balance the acidic blood. Secondly, red meat (pork, lamb, beef, etc.) contains a large amount of phosphate, which will combine with calcium in the digestive tract, thereby reducing the body''s absorption of calcium. In addition, the calcium in food can be absorbed by the small intestine only after it is digested and becomes free calcium. The content of saturated fatty acids in red meat is very high, and it will combine with calcium in the gastrointestinal tract to form insoluble fat, which reduces the absorption rate of calcium.

   5. Excessive consumption of chocolate: This may occur because the chocolate contains oxalate and sugar. Oxalate reduces the absorption of calcium, and sugar is related to calcium metabolism. And calcium will play an important role in maintaining healthy bone quality.

In addition, studies have found that excessive drinking can significantly cause osteoporosis in men. This may be that ethanol inhibits bone formation, while excessive ethanol inhibits the intestinal intake of protein, which reduces the secretion of male hormones, and low male levels of male hormones can cause osteoporosis.

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