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Correct understanding of bone density

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Clinically, some patients often hold several bone mineral density checklists from different patients, and ask the doctor to compare the bone mineral density values between patients, or ask to recheck bone mineral density after two or three months of treatment to see if it is effective. In fact, these are misunderstandings. The diagnosis of osteoporosis is based on the comparison of the average bone density between the patient and the normal person. Therefore, BMD can only be compared longitudinally, and horizontal comparison is not reliable.

  For patients using hormones It is required to do a bone density examination every six months to understand the degree of bone loss; and to reflect the treatment effect of osteoporosis patients, it can be checked every other year.

  Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) to measure lumbar spine and hip is currently the most widely used and relatively true test method that reflects the need for calcium supplementation, which expresses the average bone measured How many grams of hydroxyapatite are on a square centimeter, that is, bone density BMD (g/cm2). The single-photon bone density tester placed in pharmacies and shopping malls can only measure the bone density of the human wrist, which reflects that the bone density is not comprehensive.

   Patients often have questions: "Will estrogen prevent breast cancer while preventing osteoporosis?" The cause of breast cancer is unclear. However, the study found that the relationship between the occurrence of breast cancer and the prolonged exposure of breast tissue to estrogen cannot be ignored. Estrogen is like a long-lasting light inside a female body. It burned vigorously when young, but post-menopausal women, because of the sudden drop in estrogen levels, the firepower is not too strong, and the bones appear osteoporosis, Therefore, many menopausal women hope to continue the fire of vitality by supplementing estrogen.

  But postmenopausal women supplement estrogen for a long time, women of childbearing age take oral steroid hormone contraceptives indiscriminately, high protein and high fat intake in the diet, cause estrogen levels to increase, prolong estrogen The stimulation of the breast epithelium also increases the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, for postmenopausal women, blindly supplementing estrogen with large doses to prevent osteoporosis is not desirable.

   is generally around 35 years old, and the human bone mass reaches the highest value in its lifetime, then the calcium content is the peak bone mass of the human body. Mainly determined by three factors: genetic factors, calcium supplement factors, physical exercise status. Therefore, osteoporosis is not a patent for middle-aged and elderly people. This silent epidemic is quietly affecting the health of young women in their 20s and 30s. Therefore, modern women should change their concepts, change their lifestyles, and reasonably arrange their lives and the whole family''s life according to the actual situation, so that osteoporosis should not "look for the door" early.

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