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What to do if your baby is allergic

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   The baby is only 50 days old. It was really distressing to look at this little flower face. The mother told me that the child was exclusively breastfeeding. After examination, the child''s eosinophilic value is relatively high, it must be the cause of allergy.

   asked the mother’s daily routine The diet situation, the mother''s daily high-protein high-fat white food is more, eat two eggs a day, in order to lay milk, pig''s trotter soup, fish soup and so on. This kind of diet is still very common in China. When the child shows allergies, it is worth exploring and thinking about how to eat properly for lactating women.

   At present, allergies are increasing year by year, and breast allergy is also a rare phenomenon. Some children are not serious, only manifested as mild eczema, hiccups, diarrhea, does not affect the child''s growth and development, which is what we often call physiological diarrhea. Many children will gradually tolerate breast milk with age, and do not show allergies. But some children are not so lucky and need intervention. According to global statistics, in the past few decades, the incidence of allergies in children has increased by 30% to 50%, and about 5-20% of babies worldwide have allergies in early childhood. Symptoms are eczema (commonly known as "milk moss"), infants under 1 year old, the incidence of allergies is about 6%. But the vast majority do not require excessive drug treatment.

  What symptoms suggest a child’s breast milk allergy?

  1, eczema, especially eczema that appears in about a month

  2, diarrhea 3. Especially with mucous pus and blood, constipation

  3. The child sleeps poorly and often cries

  4. Hiccups, farting, spitting milk, especially without inducement, more frequent


  What about breast milk allergy?

  In theory, breast milk allergy should stop breastfeeding, switch to non-sensitive milk powder, and gradually transition to low-sensitive milk powder. But sometimes, if the child does not have serious performance, it is not necessary to do so. After my observation and follow-up, the reason why many breast-feeding children are allergic, in addition to genetic factors, is mainly related to the mother''s unreasonable diet. After the mother''s taboo for a short time, the child has also recovered very well. Everyone should remember that breast milk is always the best food for babies and the least sensitive milk product. In addition, protein allergies are tolerant, so many children can change back to breast milk after adding insensitive or hypoallergenic milk powder. Feeding, or mixed feeding of hypoallergenic milk powder and breast milk after the child''s symptoms are relieved, requires a doctor to formulate a corresponding plan and follow up regularly. If your child does have severe protein allergies, eczema is very severe, or bloody stools, you have to choose non-sensitive milk powder or hypoallergenic milk powder.

  Why can hypoallergenic milk powder be treated? What are the hypoallergenic milk powder?

   Breast milk allergy is mainly the accumulation of large molecular proteins in breast milk to stimulate the intestine, The formation of corresponding antibodies, resulting in allergic reactions, the stimulus response time is about 0-6 months, if allergies generally will appear symptoms within 6 months. Low-sensitivity milk powder is divided into three categories: free amino acids, deeply hydrolyzed proteins, and partially hydrolyzed proteins. The former is used for the treatment of severe protein allergies, and the latter is mainly used for prevention. The main difference between the three is the size of the protein molecule. The smaller the protein, the less allergies. There is no protein in free amino acids, so we call it non-sensitive milk powder.

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