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Breakdown of allergy medicines for children

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  Allergies come with modern footsteps, getting closer and closer to us. According to some data, 22%~25% people are allergic to diseases all over the world, and children account for a large proportion of them. Common allergic diseases in children include allergic rhinitis, urticaria, asthma, and eczema.

  At present, there is no one This kind of medicine can completely cure allergic diseases, and the existing anti-allergy medicines are treated symptomatically.

  First-generation antihistamine

   Representative drugs: chlorpheniramine, phenazine, diphenhydramine

  histamine It is a sensitizing substance released during an allergic reaction. Such drugs can block histamine type I receptors and reduce allergic reactions. They are mainly used for urticaria, allergic dermatitis, and allergic cough. Their adverse reactions are drowsiness, lack of energy, dry mouth, and occasionally neutropenia.

   The US Food and Drug Administration issued a drug safety warning in 2006, requiring doctors and parents not to take phenogen and other antiallergic drugs containing promethazine hydrochloride to children under 2 years of age. The U.S. Drug Administration stated that they have received reports of multiple cases of children under 2 years of age with severe breathlessness and even fatalities when taking anti-allergy drugs containing promethazine hydrochloride.

  Second-generation antihistamines

   Representative drugs: astemizole (astemizole), terfenadine (mindi), lorel Tadine (Keritan) Xian Teming (Cetilidine)

   (Recently, due to the adverse reaction of "aspirin" to the heart, American Johnson & Johnson stated that it will terminate production; in 2002, our country The Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center announced the side effects including astemizole ("astemizole"), which is currently abandoned in many hospitals.)

  Compared to the first generation of anti-allergy drugs, this type of Although the drug is much more expensive, it has little effect on the central nervous system and has no or only mild lethargy. Mainly used for allergic rhinitis, chronic urticaria, etc.

  hormonal drugs

   representative drugs: hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisone, etc.

  hormonal drugs It has many effects such as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, anti-shock, etc. It is widely used in clinic. This kind of medicine can be used to treat children''s allergic diseases, such as asthma, allergic purpura, etc., but long-term use of this kind of medicine has many side effects such as weight gain and osteoporosis, which is not suitable for long-term application (except inhaled corticosteroids, because the side effects are very weak) .

  Leukotriene receptor antagonists

   Representative drugs: montelukast sodium (shunning), zalust, and prolens special.

  The application of such drugs has gradually increased in recent years. It is mainly used to treat allergic rhinitis and asthma in children. At present, the most clinical application is montelukast sodium (shunning), which can inhibit the inflammatory process of the airway and reduce airway obstruction. Although this medicine has very few side effects, there are reports of excitement and epilepsy.

  Calcium supplement

   Representative medicine: calcium gluconate

  We seldom associate calcium with allergies. In fact, in the handbook of drugs, calcium supplements are classified as anti-allergy drugs.

  Calcium ions can improve the permeability of cell membranes, increase the density of capillaries, and reduce exudation, so it plays an anti-allergic role, and is often used to treat allergic purpura and urticaria. Although the safety of this medicine is relatively high, the intravenous use of this medicine may also cause anaphylactic shock, so oral administration is relatively safe, but it cannot be used for a long time, otherwise it will bring some side effects.


  representative: Vitamin C

  Vitamins can reduce the permeability of capillaries and also have a slight anti-allergic effect, usually Used in combination with vitamin B1, vitamin B6, etc. for the adjuvant treatment of infant seborrheic dermatitis.

  Pediatrician tells you

  ◆Anti-allergic drugs may also cause allergies, of which chlorpheniramine and diphenhydramine are the most common. If your child''s symptoms are not alleviated but increased after taking anti-allergic drugs, you should consider the drug allergy, and don''t mistake it for insufficient medicine. If you continue to increase the dose, it may be very dangerous.

  ◆Some anti-allergic drugs are resistant. Some children only take the medicine for 1 month, and they become extremely resistant. At this time, they need to change to another anti-allergic drug to continue treatment.

  ◆Children have allergic diseases, parents should have an understanding of allergy medicines, but do not buy them directly for children. The treatment plan for each allergic disease is different, and the specific medication must be used under the guidance of a specialist.

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