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How to deal with wounds in life

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   In daily life, it is inevitable that skin wounds are caused by trauma due to various reasons. If we know how to properly handle such wounds, we can avoid unnecessary microbial infections, accelerate wound healing and reduce the possibility of scarring. The types of wounds are usually abrasions, punctures, cuts, stings, burns, and scalds. Some of the wounds with superficial and minor tissue damage can be treated by themselves, while those with deeper, local damage, and more bleeding You need to go to the hospital for further treatment.

  Common wound types and The main treatment methods are:

  1. Scratches: Scratches are the most common type of skin surface bruises, usually with mild injuries. If the wound is dirty, wash it with clean water and soapy liquid first, and then cover the wound with sterile gauze and medicated tape. If the wound is large or bleeding continues, you should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. Band-aid is generally an emergency treatment and has no disinfection effect; iodine, because it contains pigments, the treatment is not clean, so the head and face are generally not used; 30% hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, etc. can, but there is a certain irritation.

  2. Stabbing: The stabbing is the injury of the human body caused by the sharp device puncturing. Common sharps include needles, shears, wooden thorns, etc. The damage is characterized by skin The wound is small, but it often causes deep tissue damage. Due to poor drainage, it is easy to secondary purulent infection or tetanus. Do not press and hold the bleeding caused by the stab wound immediately. Bleeding can bring out dirty foreign bodies and reduce the chance of infection. Stabbing usually requires injection of anti-tetanus drugs in the hospital.

  3. Cuts: Cuts are soft tissue injuries caused by sharp objects acting on the human body. Common sharps include blades, glass pieces, and bamboo pieces. The edges are neat, and the surrounding tissues are relatively lightly damaged. Since the wound is relatively clean, ordinary cleaning is sufficient. If there is a lot of bleeding, you need to use the direct compression method to stop bleeding, that is, use your fingers or palms to separate the gauze, and directly press the wound (the part without foreign bodies) to control the bleeding. Apply pressure for about 5 to 15 minutes, and then bandage properly after hemostasis. Wounds caused by glass cuts should be carefully observed. If foreign bodies are suspected, they can be rinsed repeatedly with clean water. If foreign bodies are found embedded in the wound, they should be treated in the hospital as soon as possible. Pulling out the foreign bodies blindly may cause massive bleeding of the wound.

  4. Bite stings: Cats and dogs usually bite and bee stings. Cat and dog scratches and bites have the effect of cutting and tearing tissues, and are often accompanied by different degrees of tissue contusion and laceration. Because there are a large number of bacteria in the animal''s mouth, they can enter the wound, so they must not be ignored. In-situ, immediate and thorough flushing of the wound is the key to success or failure of treatment. For deep wounds, debridement should be performed, foreign bodies and necrotic tissues should be completely eliminated, rinse with a large amount of normal saline, Xinjieer solution, hydrogen peroxide, etc. The wounds should not be closed in principle, and antibiotics, anti-rabies vaccine and tetanus antitoxin should be used. Bee stings are caused by the injection of venom into the skin when the bee''s tail needle pierces the skin. Bee stings and wasp stings are common. For local treatment, use a small needle to pick up or paste the tape, remove the bee thorns, do not squeeze, so as to avoid the poisonous juice into the skin and cause a serious reaction. The bee venom is acidic, and the toxin can be neutralized with a weak alkaline solution (such as 5% sodium bicarbonate solution) wet; the wasp venom is alkaline, it can be neutralized with acetic acid, and the local redness can be used external calamine lotion .

  5. Burns and scalds: Most of the tissue damage caused by flames, hot liquids (water, soup, oil, etc.), steam, usually need to remove the constraints of watches, rings, etc. It is difficult to take off when the wound is swollen; do not cover the wound with ice to avoid further damage to the cell tissue of the skin; do not use materials such as red potion, purple potion, vinegar, soy sauce, soap, toothpaste, ginger juice or protein Etc. so as not to cause the injury to deteriorate. Do not puncture the blisters that appear on the injured area to avoid infection; severe burns or scalds must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

   In addition, some special cases of wounds need special attention. For example, diabetic patients, even just small and minor wounds, may cause chronic skin inflammation, because patients with poor blood sugar control, The resistance is relatively poor, prone to bacterial infections, and the vascular lesions make the peripheral circulation poor, making the skin wounds difficult to heal; when the wounds appear red and swollen, pain and gradually increase, and produce secretions, it means that the wound has a deep infection. Be sure to consult a doctor in time.

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