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Three major causes of childhood leukemia

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Experts pointed out that leukemia is the most common malignant tumor in children. However, because its early symptoms are not typical, it is easy to be ignored and cause serious consequences.

  Early symptoms Easy to ignore

   Leukemia is the most common malignant tumor in children, with acute and chronic points. Children 90% above are acute leukemia. Early symptoms are very atypical, and parents often ignore them. Such as children become lazy, do not like activities, loss of appetite, etc. Afterwards, there will be progressive paleness, pain in bones and joints, irregular fever, bleeding in the skin and gums, etc.; eventually liver, spleen, lymphadenopathy, systemic failure, and weight loss. If any of the above suspicious symptoms are found, parents should immediately take the child to the hospital for examination.

  Decoration pollution is the culprit

  Because the exact cause of leukemia is still unclear until now, it is impossible to achieve complete prevention and can only target Some related factors to prevent.

  Statistical data show that decoration pollution is the culprit of childhood leukemia. Liu Haiyan emphasized that it is necessary to prevent children from excessive exposure to certain chemical substances such as phenol. Such substances exist in decorative materials such as paint and new furniture, so do not let children live in newly renovated homes prematurely.

  In addition, Liu Haiyan emphasized that in daily life, try to avoid exposure to large doses of radiation, such as not to repeatedly take chest radiographs or CT. It is also necessary to reduce the contact time of children with microwave appliances such as mobile phones, computers, and TVs as much as possible to avoid the mutation of their genes caused by children''s low immunity, thereby inducing blood diseases.

  Children must be cautious about medication

   In daily life, keeping the "mouth" in check and guarding against the entrance of the disease is also the key to preventing childhood leukemia.

  Because the baby’s resistance is weak, it is inevitable that he will get sick. Experts emphasized that the baby should be used scientifically under the guidance of a doctor. Don''t dispense your child''s medicine by yourself. Parents should check their children''s medicine to prevent serious consequences.

  Experts give examples, such as some antidiarrheal medicines containing sulfonamides and other ingredients, which are easy to cause aplastic anemia; headache and cold eating antibiotics containing benzene rings will affect the blood of children. Therefore, parents should keep good medicines for children, so that minor illnesses cause serious illnesses.

In addition to the use of medicine, on the other hand, beware of food safety. Many children like to buy colorful food in small shops around the school, and the large amount of preservatives and additives in these foods are likely to cause disease.

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