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Pay attention to bone necrosis when using hormones

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Glucocorticoids are widely used as a treatment method in the treatment of diseases. Common diseases are: asthma, autoimmune diseases, some kidney diseases, blood system diseases, allergic diseases, some skin diseases, and toxic shock. Wait. However, hormone therapy is a double-edged sword. In orthopedics clinics, bone necrosis is often seen in some patients who overuse glucocorticoids, among which ischemic necrosis of the femoral head is more common.

  hormonal ischemic femoral head ischemic Necrosis refers to the pathological process caused by the death of the active components of the femoral skull (bone cells, bone marrow hematopoietic cells and adipocytes) due to the large dose of hormones, often accompanied by local or systemic progressive bone loss, especially under the articular cartilage Bone is most obvious, which in turn causes damage to articular cartilage.

   Pietrograng and Mastomarine first reported a long-term large amount of glucocorticoid-induced ischemic necrosis of the femoral head. According to Laporte''s 1998 study, non-traumatic osteonecrosis was the first to be caused by hormones. A domestic study published in the Chinese Journal of Surgery in 2001 showed that adrenocortical hormone is a common cause of necrosis of femoral head in Chinese.

   Hormones have three effects on bone tissue cells: ① Directly acting on bone cells to inhibit their protein and collagen synthesis, thereby inhibiting bone cell growth and mRNA synthesis, causing degenerative changes in trabecular bone structure. ② Reduce the secretion of sex hormones in the ovaries, testes, and adrenal glands, reduce the absorption of gastrointestinal calcium, and increase the excretion of urinary calcium in the kidneys, causing secondary hyperparathyroidism. ③ Directly inhibit osteoblast activity, reduce its turnover rate, shorten its lifespan, and directly stimulate osteoclast activity, increase the sensitivity of bone tissue to PTH and 1,25-(OH)2-D3. The osteogenic effect is weakened, the osteoclastic effect is enhanced, calcium salts are lost, osteoporosis occurs, and the bone tissue structure shows degenerative changes.

  For the common people, it is very important to use hormones reasonably according to doctor’s guidance, but in orthopedics clinics, a small number of patients can also be seen because of the enthusiasm for treatment, superstition of some so-called remedies, and misuse of glucocorticoids. The tragic appearance of bone necrosis.

  So what is the performance of avascular necrosis of the femoral head? The earliest symptom of avascular necrosis of the femoral head is pain in the hip or knee joint. The pain can be continuous or intermittent. Gradual or sudden pain, blunt pain, or soreness in the hips or knees, often radiating toward the groin area or the posterior or lateral buttocks, or the medial side of the knee. This area is numb. The nature of pain is usually not serious in the early stage, but it gradually increases, and it can also suddenly increase after trauma. In the advanced stage, due to hypertrophy of the joint capsule, the hip joint was severely restricted in all directions, the hip joint was fused, and the hip joint became stiff.

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