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What is polio vaccine

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-27

   There are many types of vaccines, and the most common ones are: BCG vaccine, measles vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, polio vaccine, and Baibai Po, etc. These are all types of vaccines that are freely vaccinated by the country and need to be routinely administered according to age. Every child must be immunized. Many expectant mothers don’t know what polio vaccine is. Let’s take a look together. Originoo_42964_27887533_l.jpg

Polio vaccine is an effective means to prevent and eliminate polio, which is an acute infectious disease caused by polio virus. The clinical manifestations were mainly fever, upper respiratory tract symptoms, and limb pain. The virus mainly invades the gray and white matter parts of the anterior horn of the gray matter of the human spinal cord, causing permanent damage to the gray matter and causing flaccid paralysis.

  Some patients may suffer from delayed paralysis and leave sequelae of paralysis, which are more common in children under 5 years of age, so it is commonly known as "polio". Vaccination is the most economical and effective way to prevent and control the spread of polio. The disease is refractory and refractory. Once it causes limb paralysis, it can easily become a lifelong disability and even life-threatening.

   Polio vaccines are divided into two types, one is a live attenuated polio vaccine (sugar pills and drops), and the other is an inactivated polio vaccine (injection). The polio vaccination time generally starts after the baby is 2 full months, and the vaccination time varies slightly according to the type of vaccine.

  According to the notice of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, from May 1, 2016, China implemented a new polio vaccine immunization strategy, and stopped the trivalent live attenuated polio vaccine (tOPV, sugar pills) , Replaced by bivalent attenuated live polio vaccine (bOPV, drops), and included in the national immunization plan, the first dose of vaccine will be changed from oral to injection, that is, the polio vaccine immunization program is adjusted to:

  二One dose of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) at the age of three months, one dose of live attenuated bivalent polio vaccine (bOPV) at the age of three months, four months and four years of age; all vaccines are included in the national immunization plan, free of charge .

  After polio vaccine, there may be mild fever reaction, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and skin rash and other adverse reactions. Generally, treatment is not needed and it is a normal post-vaccination reaction. However, if the situation is more serious and does not subside for a long time, symptomatic treatment can be performed if necessary.

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