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How do people with diabetes eat fruits

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-19

  Diabetes can eat fruits and fruits is one of the important components of a balanced diet. "Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes in China 2007" pointed out that the sugar of diabetic patients should come from vegetables, beans, whole wheat grains, oats and fruits containing high dietary fiber. It can be seen that diabetics can eat fruits.

  However, fruits usually contain more sucrose, glucose and fructose. In order to avoid rapid increase in blood sugar after eating fruits, the following should be noted:

  ①Control intake: do not exceed 100 to 200 grams, especially not to eat together at once, it is best to eat separately.

  ②Reduce the staple food after eating fruit: this can control the total sugar intake. Generally eat 100 to 200 grams (2 to 4 two) of fruit, roughly reduce 50 to 100 grams (0.5 to 1 two) of staple food.

   ③ Eat in the dining room (such as between breakfast and lunch) or before going to bed:   Avoid taking fruits and staple food at the same time. It is generally not recommended to eat fruits immediately before or after meals.

  ④ Choose fruits with less sugar.

  What fruits contain less sugar?

  Relying on the "Food Composition Table" often cannot draw the correct conclusion, because the data on the food composition table is detected It is the sugars in the fruit (both sugar and starch, and even some dietary fiber).

Furthermore, even the same kind of fruit will contain different sugars due to the different origin and growing environment. For example, watermelons of the same variety are very sweet and some are not too sweet, with a large difference in sugar content. Choose according to the sweetness and non-sweetness of the fruit, which is simple and reliable.

   Simply put, people with diabetes can eat a variety of fruits, and don’t choose particularly sweet ones for each kind of fruit. The best way is to combine the blood glucose monitoring results with diabetics and find out the right time, variety and quantity to eat fruits. People with diabetes can eat oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, pears, strawberries, etc.

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