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How to raise old people's cold legs in winter

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21

  The rain is endless, the seasons are changing, and the legs are worrying. Every time when it rains or the weather season changes, many elderly patients are often distressed by the pain of the old cold legs and knee joints. The long-lasting leg (mostly the knee joint) is sore and cold, which makes the patient extremely painful.

  So, can only the elderly get this kind of disease? No survey has been done, but there are many young people who come to the clinic for medical treatment, especially those who work or live in an air-conditioned, wet and cold environment With lesbians who love to eat cold drinks and patients who often have poor digestion, the chance of old cold legs is more. Therefore, for the old cold legs, warmth is the most important, warming and chilling is the common feature of suffering from this disease.

   I love cold drinks, poor digestion, and reduced fever, not only provide us with health care methods, but also provide a good treatment plan, what kind of health care methods and treatment plans?

< p>  First of all, the body’s warmth:

  People who like to eat cold drinks or weather changes without paying attention to warmth, especially some young women, are still short skirts in the late autumn season Although it is beautiful but "frozen" people, or under air conditioning, the body''s yang is weakened, and the yang is weak like a frozen river without sunlight in winter. How can we expect the blood flow to bring heat to the joints quickly Where is the part? Old Han legs will take the initiative to find the door.

   So I would like to remind those cold-loving, beauty-loving friends who neglect their health. They must keep warm and control their mouths to protect their legs. Don’t let Lao Han''s legs get vacant.

  On the other hand, for people with poor digestion, how can they convert the food they eat into qi and blood? The deficiency of qi and blood is like a small river without water. Circulation, the same can not carry heat well, without heat can not resist the cold, there is no motivation to bring heat to the joints, joints can not be cold and painful?

  Second, treatment:

  Since you have heat and pain reduction, you must start from improving your physique. Your body is full of qi and qi, and the cold is not invading. One is to adjust the spleen and stomach, and the other is to invigorate the kidney.

   Well, when it comes to this, how to adjust the spleen and stomach? It is necessary to eat less cold drinks and strengthen physical exercise. The Yellow Emperor''s Internal Classic says: Yang Qi starts from the limbs. The meaning is to move the limbs to replenish yang energy, of course, exercise is the best choice. Who does not feel hungry in the abdomen after exercise? Who does not feel warm after exercise? Have you ever seen that people who exercise do not even walk with their waist plates straight? So in addition to using some medicine to adjust the spleen and stomach, physical exercise should also be strengthened to help tonic Spleen and stomach.

  Why should I nourish the kidney? In traditional Chinese medicine, knees are classified as hepatic tendons. The liver''s qi and blood decay is less, and the fascia will become malnourished. The liver stores blood, the kidney stores essence, and the essence and blood alternate with each other, so it is said that liver and kidney are homologous. (Note: The liver and kidney of non-Western medicine mentioned here). So nourishing the kidney and yang is to remove the cold from the liver and remove the coldness from the knees before conditioning the old cold legs.

  Generally, there are Chinese patent medicines Tianma Zhuanggu pills, Tianma eucommia pills, Shujin Huoxue tablets, Xiaohuoluodan and other products that can relieve collaterals, remove cold and dehumidify. It is also possible to use some externally applied plasters, but it is necessary to adjust the body constitution, otherwise the money will be spent, and the disease will also be seen.

   is best to be different from person to person, according to each person''s physique is different, and the drug selective treatment. For example, if a patient with high blood pressure and old cold legs has poor digestion, as well as waist and knee pain, kidney yang weakness, we can use Fuzi Lizhong Pills and Jinkui Shenqi Pills to adjust the knees. Use external plaster, reheat the water on the plaster or physiotherapy lamp for heat treatment, the effect is very good.

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