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What's wrong with a fingernail without a crescent

BY Edwina Ellis 2019-01-08

   There will be a crescent-shaped small white edge at the boundary between the fingernail and the skin. This is called a half-moon mark in medicine. It can generally account for about 1/5 of the entire nail. Don’t underestimate these crescents. Healthy People have at least six nails with crescents on their fingers, otherwise, it indicates that there is a problem with the health of the body, so what is the problem of fingernails without crescents?

  I. Poor gastrointestinal function
  When the body takes in enough nutrients, the development of crescent nails will be normal, but if your own gastrointestinal function is not good, the digestion and absorption capacity is poor, these crescents will gradually blur It even disappears, so people with crescents on their nails generally have poor gastrointestinal function.
  Second, lack of energy
  Chinese medicine believes that the crescent on the nail is a healthy circle, and there is no half crescent on the nail, which means that the loss of essence in your body is particularly serious. The problem of lack of energy. Usually stay up late, night life is too rich, lack of sleep, or sexual life is too frequent, the vitality of the injured, the body''s immunity will be relatively low, then half crescent will gradually disappear.

  Three, physical fitness Cold
  People who think that the body is cold in Chinese medicine will have fewer crescents on their fingers. If there are three to seven crescents on both hands, the constitution is cold. If there are only two thumbs Having crescents indicates that you have a cold syndrome. If there are no crescents on your fingers, the cold syndrome in your body will become more severe.
  Four, anemia
  When the blood and blood in the body are running normally, the crescent of the nail will be normal, if you find that your 10 fingernails have no crescent It is recommended to go to the hospital for a routine blood test in time to see if you have symptoms of anemia, because anemia does not have crescents on the fingers, and neurasthenia, low blood pressure, etc. can also easily lead to no crescents on the fingers.

  V. Cardiovascular Disease
  When suffering from cardiovascular disease, the blood supply to the tip of the finger will be blocked, so the crescent on the finger will disappear slowly, if there are no crescents on ten fingers, it means cardiovascular The disease is very serious and should be highly valued.
   However, it should be noted that it is normal for children to have no crescents on their nails before they develop, because at this time their kidneys are not yet mature, so don’t worry too much.

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