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What to do if your fingernails become purple

BY Edwina Ellis 2019-01-08

  Chinese medicine can judge the health of the patient by the color and shape of the nail. For example, the purple color of some people’s fingernails is an abnormal condition. This may be that the fingernail has been injured, or it may have been in a low temperature environment for a long time or Caused by heart disease, cyanosis, etc., need to be paid attention to, so what should I do if my fingernails become purple?

  One, blood circulation Blood stasis
   If the fingernail is impacted or squeezed by external force, blood will appear on the peripheral blood vessels of the finger, then the nail will turn purple, and it will be very obvious when pressed by hand If you want to relieve the pain, you can take some medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis under the guidance of a doctor.
  Second, keep warm and protect from cold
   If the weather is cold and the blood circulation is not smooth, it will also cause the nails to become purple. People who are often exposed to cold water will have more purple nails. At this time, don''t worry too much, just pay attention to the usual cold and warm, the color of the fingernails can return to normal.

  Three, reduce labor Degree
  If you are usually engaged in heavy physical work, you will press the blood vessels on your fingers during work, resulting in an increase in reducing hemoglobin in the peripheral blood, so people who often work moderately will also have fingers The phenomenon of purplishness appears. After the labor intensity is generally reduced, the symptoms of purplish fingernails can be improved.

  Fourth, Disease treatment
  Some diseases can cause fingernails to become purple, such as heart disease, cyanosis, blood hypoxic diseases, etc., which can easily lead to insufficient blood supply to the peripheral nerves and make the fingers of the hand purple. In addition to purple fingernails, patients with heart disease also have symptoms of panic and shortness of breath. In addition to purple nails, patients with cyanosis also have discomfort in the lungs. In addition to purple nails, the respiratory system also has respiratory symptoms. There is a problem, so at this time you can go to the hospital for active symptomatic treatment according to your symptoms.
   Healthy nails are generally pink, and the surface of the nails is shiny. If you find that the color of the nails is abnormal, you should pay attention to them and actively go to the hospital for examination and treatment.

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