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What are the symptoms of cartilage?

BY Berton Gladstone 2019-12-10

  chondritis will have many different symptoms, mainly local pain, with mild swelling, and other localized tenderness, activity, or local trauma, can cause increased pain. Usually 2 to 3 months, it can relieve itself. However, some patients have recurring attacks. It is necessary to pay attention to timely treatment. You can use Western medicine, surgery, or traditional Chinese medicine.

  chondritis usually occurs in the ribs This position has a greater impact on physical health, so patients must be treated in time. According to the actual condition of the disease, patients can be treated with Chinese medicine or Western medicine, and in severe cases, surgical treatment can be performed. A comprehensive understanding of this disease can be found and treated early, so what are the symptoms of cartilitis?
  chondritis symptoms, chondritis is a chronic, aseptic inflammation, the symptoms are mainly local pain, there is no obvious skin temperature rise locally, or redness, there may be mild swelling, The swelling is not obvious. Other symptoms such as local tenderness, activity or local trauma can cause aggravation of pain. More typical symptoms, respiration or local traction, can have a noticeable aggravation of pain.
   usually lasts 2 to 3 months, and can be relieved or disappeared by itself. However, some patients have recurrent episodes, committing crimes from time to time, from time to time and from time to time, and delaying for months or years. Therefore, timely and reasonable treatment is very important.
  Western medicine treatment
   depends on various hormonal drugs to achieve analgesic effect, but it can only temporarily relieve the pain symptoms, which is of little significance for the treatment of the disease, and it is impossible to treat the ribs. Chondritis is cured. And long-term use of hormone drugs will have many side effects on the human body, further affect the body''s immunity, and make the disease more protracted.
  Surgical treatment
  Surgical treatment is a helpless way of ineffective treatment of Western medicine, but costal cartilitis is not able to "everything". Surgical removal on the one hand causes great trauma and risk High, causing great harm to the patient''s body. On the one hand, after surgery, it is easy to produce various complications, such as various pneumonia, soft tissue necrosis, abscess, etc., which increases the difficulty of treatment and the patient''s own pain.
  Chinese medicine external application treatment
  You can choose some Chinese medicines with the effect of promoting blood circulation, qi stagnation and stasis for external application treatment, aiming at the wind and cold and dampness of the disease, qi and blood stasis, It can achieve the effects of expelling wind and dehumidifying, reconciling qi and blood. The external treatment method is directly applied, and the drug has strong penetrating effect, so as to quickly cure the stubborn disease of costal cartilage.

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