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Grade of tubular adenoma of colon

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-31

  Tubular adenoma of the colon is a benign tumor of the colon and can also be regarded as a precancerous lesion. According to clinical size and depth, it can be divided into three grades. Tubular adenoma, also known as "adenomatous polyp", is the most common type of colorectal adenoma. Tubular adenoma villous components account for 20% below. Adenoma is spherical, ellipsoidal or irregular, with a smooth or lobulated surface, pink color, solid quality, and often has pedicles of varying lengths attached to the intestinal mucosa.

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   But when the tumor is only a few millimeters in size, it can also be broad-based and pedicleless. The larger the tubular adenoma, the greater the chance of malignant transformation. When the adenoma is greater than 2 cm, the canceration rate increases significantly. If the tumor cells show obvious polymorphism and interstitial and infiltration, it is called severe dysplasia or cancer.

  Small polyp-like tubular adenoma, which can be subjected to mucosal dissection or ferrule tying under colonoscopy. There is currently no good way for superficial gastritis. It can only be relieved by taking symptomatic drugs and promoting a reasonable diet;

   For constipation, it is recommended to exercise moderately, increase intestinal activity, and supplement plants or animals. Fat lubricates the intestine. You can take probiotics or yogurt to improve the intestinal flora. For intractable constipation, you need intestinal lubricant and internal medicine to help solve it. Commonly used Chinese patent medicines include Maren pills.

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