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If the fever is gone, will the child be ill?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

   Recently, one of my articles caused a lot of "repercussions", and also caused a lot of panic to parents. I’m very sorry. At present, I am afraid that the one who hates me most is the manufacturer of the drug, or even a certain Some people say that I am out of context, confusing to listen with ulterior motives, as well as medical care of other pharmaceutical companies, etc. I’m so wrong, I just copied the articles from the journal online for everyone to understand. No other meaning. If you are hard If I want to think badly, I have no choice but to laugh.

  I wrote this There is not so much "ghost thinking" in this article, I don’t want to "kill" a certain manufacturer, and I don’t have this skill. My original intention is good, just to let everyone know that there is no so-called good medicine in the world, all All medicines have side effects, and it is necessary to grasp the timing when using antipyretics. The medicine with the best antipyretic effect is not necessarily the best and safest medicine.

  I will say my point again. Please forgive me for any mistakes.

  1, Nimesulide is not so terrible, but I do not recommend children’s first choice

  Nimesulide and aspirin and ibuprofen we often say Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a class of anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroid structures. NSAIDs have been synthesized by aspirin for the first time in 1898. Thousands of brands are on the market. Such drugs include aspirin, acetaminophen, indomethacin, naproxen, naproxen, diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide, rofecoxib, celecoxib, etc. This kind of medicine has anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, analgesic, antipyretic and anticoagulant effects. It is widely used clinically for the relief of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, various fevers and various pain symptoms. NSAIDs are currently one of the most widely used drug types in the world. About 30 million people use it every day around the world. With the increasing use of NSAIDs, the safe use of these drugs has also attracted more and more attention from clinicians, pharmacists, patients, society and the government. In particular, Merck announced in October 2004 that it actively withdrew Wanluo (Rofecoxib) from the global market; recently the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considered NSAIDs to have a potential cardiovascular and gastrointestinal bleeding risk and required these drugs Manufacturers put forward warnings in their instructions, which makes the safe use of NSAIDs a hot issue in the global medical community.

   Such drugs have side effects, but who is most likely to appear. After using it once or twice, most of them will not have obvious side effects. Nimesulide should also be the same. It does not mean that your child will cause liver damage once or twice. If so, then it is not a poison. What is nimesulide and The children''s preferred antipyretics recommended by the International Health Organization (ibuprofen and acetaminophen), compared with its "advantage" is a long fever. (However, at present, I have not seen the International Health Organization expressly recommend children The drug is preferred. If you have it, please tell me where it came from.) The information I have seen shows that because it has a relatively higher proportion of liver damage, some countries have removed the drug (data report). Ask, it If it’s really safe, why should we discuss it?

  Children are not the epitome of adults. The liver and other organs of the child are developing. As us pediatric doctors who are put under the magnifying glass and microscope Generally speaking, we don’t dare to innovate. Our pediatric doctors usually try to use the medicines recommended by the traditional health organization regulations and pharmacopoeia. In the tertiary hospitals I’m in, we didn’t get this medicine, we always use Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are both. Nimesulide, I still do not recommend it.

  2. The fever is gone, is the child okay?

   After reading my article, some parents still insist on their opinion that the medicine is good. Yes, I Do not deny that the fever is fast. But if the fever is gone, will the child be cured? Is the best antipyretic medicine the best and safest medicine?

  Fever is only a symptom It is not the cause. No matter how good the antipyretic medicine is, it is only symptomatic treatment, not treatment of the cause. With the development of science, medical practitioners have discovered that many of the bad reactions that people thought at first, such as fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, are not all bad things. Appropriate appearances are actually the feedback of the human body against viruses and bacteria. To a certain extent, it also plays a very good role, so when some symptoms first appear, do not use medication easily, and do not easily break the body''s own balance and coordination ability. Therefore, this is why we usually recommend that parents do not pay too much attention to the fever of their children, and do not emphasize the fever, unless 38 degrees 5 or higher (older children) take antipyretics. However, at present, there are not many parents who know this reason. In clinical terms, the parents who have the most opinions about us are the parents of children with fever. They don’t see the child having a little fever. As long as they have a fever, they have opinions about the doctor and are unwilling to wait for the child to recover. , Or give the child antipyretics as soon as he has a fever. Therefore, the child who loves antipyretic drugs either prolongs the course of the disease, or will get sick again next time. Or let the child depend on the injection (I said, this is largely caused by parents, of course you will That part is caused by us "heart-black" doctors).

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