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What to pay attention to during rheumatoid bone disease exercise

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

The emergence of rheumatoid bone disease is a huge pain for the patients'' friends and the entire family. It has a long course of disease, and the migration is not healed. It takes a long time to treat. In severe cases, it may even lose its own life. Ability, bedridden for life, then, can you exercise if you have rheumatoid bone disease? What should you pay attention to during exercise?

  In fact, patients with rheumatoid bone disease should also do some exercise, too much exercise is not good, not exercise is not good, the key is to master a degree To master a quantity, too much exercise is actually an excessive burden on the joints. Rheumatoid bone disease itself is the synovium that occurs in the joints. From the synovium to the destruction of the articular cartilage, the joints become hardened and the bones of the joints grow. If excessive activity occurs, joint pain will increase. In addition to the amount of exercise, it is also necessary to master the correct exercise mode. It is critical to choose the exercise that suits you or the patient who is suitable for rheumatic bone disease.

   I have seen a woman with rheumatoid arthritis, do I ask her to do activities? She said activities, often pedaling bicycles, sometimes very hard. In fact, this activity is not suitable for people with rheumatoid arthritis or knee pain. The knee joint is always in a semi-flexed state when pedaling a bicycle. The high pressure in the knee joint is not conducive to cartilage nutrition in the knee joint.

  In addition to pedaling bicycles, Tai Chi is also a good sport. It is good for the elderly to exercise, but patients with knee pain always have knee joints when playing Tai Chi. She was in a semi-flexed state, and turned around left and right again. In fact, her knee joint was rubbing left and right like a grinding disc, so her pain was related to her movement. Inappropriate exercise or inappropriate exercise will be counterproductive. It is recommended that patients with poor joints, legs and feet, rheumatic bone disease can use joints without weight-bearing exercises, such as swimming is a better exercise method, and Arthrosis is not weight-bearing when exercising spirometry.

   swimming can also have a situation. The choice of water temperature is too important. If you choose a swimming pool with a relatively low water temperature, cold water stimulating the joints can also cause rheumatic bone disease or even increase. So for patients with rheumatic bone disease, what kind of exercise to choose, how much exercise, and environmental factors during exercise are too important. I hope that when they choose these sports, it is best to seek the opinion of the doctor and let the doctor help him choose a correct exercise mode and a suitable amount of exercise, which will be better.

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