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The disease is in the cervical spine, why is it soft under the foot?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Cervical spondylosis can be roughly divided into cervical cervical spondylosis, nerve root cervical spondylosis, vertebral artery cervical spondylosis, spinal cervical spondylosis, esophageal cervical spondylosis, sympathetic cervical spondylosis and mixed cervical spondylosis, of which The most serious spinal cord injury is cervical spondylotic myelopathy.

  The incidence of spinal cord type is not High, but once it happens, it often needs to be resolved by surgery. This is mainly due to a series of symptoms caused by cervical spinal stenosis, which causes cervical spinal cord compression or injury.

   40-year-old Mr. Wang is an accountant of a company. He has been suffering from cervical spondylosis for many years. Recently, he often feels that there is "no root" under his feet when walking, and it is obviously a smooth road surface. He walks and stumbles, as if stepping on On the soft cotton, and the most important thing is that he has a good grasp of good words. Recently, the words have suddenly been twisted and twisted, causing colleagues to say that Mr. Wang is not serious in work and perfunctory. With worries and doubts, Mr. Wang came to the hospital and sat at the doctor''s desk, eager to resolve his misery.

  After detailed inquiries, physical examinations, and film examinations, the doctor told Mr. Wang: "You have a disease that requires surgery to relieve-cervical spondylotic myelopathy." At first, Mr. Wang told the doctor The diagnosis is very puzzling-the disease is in the cervical spine, why is the foot under the foot soft? Later, after the doctor patiently explained the condition, successful surgery and postoperative recovery, Mr. Wang finally recovered.

  Everyone knows that the spinal cord is an important tissue of the human body. In orthopedics clinics, patients with spinal cord injuries are often seen with lifelong disabilities or paralysis in bed. Visually speaking, the human spinal cord is more than tofu Soft and slight damage can cause irreversible consequences.

   Generally speaking, cervical spine dysplasia or cervical intervertebral disc aging and cervical bone hyperplasia can cause cervical spinal canal stenosis and spinal cord compression. The shrunken disc bulges toward the spinal canal and the bone spurs at the posterior edge of the vertebral body press the spinal cord from the front of the spinal canal. As the cervical spine becomes unstable after aging, the ligaments of the cervical spine become hypertrophic and can compress the spinal cord from behind the spinal canal. In this way, after "front squeeze and back pressure", the cervical spinal cord is often in a passive state of "involuntarily" in the spinal canal.

  The spinal cord is compressed and injured. The main symptoms are slow and progressive numbness of the lower extremities, chills, pain, and fatigue. Walking is floating, like stepping on cotton, unsteady gait, and easy to fall. In the early stages of the disease, intermittent symptoms often appear, appearing after walking too much or being tired every day. As the course of the disease progresses, the disease may gradually worsen and become persistent. Most of the above-mentioned symptoms occur at the same time on both lower extremities, and it is relatively rare to only appear on one lower extremity.

  If no surgical treatment is performed, the symptoms of most patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy will continue to worsen, and eventually limb paralysis and dysfunction of the stool will occur. Myeloid cervical spondylosis has a long history before surgery, and the symptoms are more severe in those with more severe symptoms. Therefore, once the cervical spondylotic myelopathy is diagnosed, it should be treated as soon as possible to obtain better results.

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