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Leg pain is not only an orthopedic disease but also a venous thrombosis of the lower extremities

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   Generally speaking, most patients with leg pain are referred to the orthopedics clinic, and the doctor will diagnose the disease through examination. But not all leg pain is orthopedic. There is a very dangerous acute disease in clinic. The initial symptom is often leg pain, but it can cause life-threatening. This is venous thrombosis of the lower extremities.

   Mention venous thrombosis of lower extremities Reminds me of a patient I experienced. A patient about 60 years old usually has no other diseases except for a slightly higher blood pressure. After returning from a long journey by plane, he suffered from severe leg pain. At first, the patient didn''t care, thinking that the muscle fatigue caused by the lack of movement of the leg when flying, but as the leg pain gradually increased, the elderly developed a series of respiratory symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath.

   Later, after an examination in the emergency room, it was found that the patient had a venous thrombosis in the vein of the left lower extremity of the patient. A cardiac ultrasound examination also found that the patient’s pulmonary artery had widened and showed pulmonary hypertension. Finally, pulmonary angiography confirmed that the patient''s lung blood vessel was blocked by a thrombus. Fortunately, Chaoyang Hospital is very good at treating this serious life-threatening disease, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

  The story is here, a very special, but easy to occur disease surfaced-"Economy Class Syndrome".

   "Economy Class Syndrome" refers to the economy class passengers sitting on a small seat for a long time, the passengers'' ankles, knees, and hips can only be bent at 90 degrees, and the blood circulation of the lower limbs is not Smooth, easy to form thrombosis locally; In addition, due to the widespread use of air conditioning in the aircraft, the air in the cabin is relatively dry, the human body is easily dehydrated in this environment, and the increase in blood viscosity also leads to thrombosis.

  The harm of venous thrombosis of the lower extremities is very serious, especially for elderly friends. When flying, you must pay attention to this point. The onset of the disease is relatively rapid. Once the treatment is not timely, it may endanger the patient. Life safety.

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