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When laryngitis got 8 times

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  "Mr. Doctor, how come my child’s laryngitis relapses? I came here today to see you for your child."The child’s mother frowned and looked at the professor.

  ----"How many times has your child got laryngitis? "Professor asked.

  "8 times!"

  ----"That 99% is a misdiagnosis!"

  "Misdiagnosis? Impossible Ah, every time my child has that kind of dog barking cough, many doctors say that my child coughs and says that it is very typical, it is laryngitis, we treat it according to laryngitis every time, and the effect is very good. But it seems to go I can’t find the root. I also checked a lot of information on the Internet. The symptoms are similar to those of my child.

  Professor shook his head helplessly.

  ---- "If the Internet can be diagnosed Disease, you will not come to me. I ask you, how old is your child?"

  "It’s almost 7 years old."

  ----"Since you After studying online, you said, how old do children love laryngitis? Is it easy to relapse after getting it?"

  "On the Internet, children under three years old are easy to get, and it seems that it is not easy to relapse, so I have always wondered why my child is so old. "The mother of the child answered seriously.

  ----"Have your child gasped? Have you had eczema and urticaria?"

< p>  " It seems that a doctor has said it, but it seems to be remembered only once. My child coughs badly every time, and that kind of empty voice."

  Professor asked some more questions, and then gave The child checked the body, then looked at the many tests that the family had done for the child, and finally let the child do the lung function, and the result was reported: the damage of the small airway function. (moderate).

  Look When the professor wrote in the child''s medical record: bronchial asthma, the child''s mother was stunned. She couldn''t figure out what was going on. Although the professor explained a lot to the family, the family still doubted it.< /p>

Professor    pulled out a large newspaper: "I know you can’t accept this reality all at once, the outpatient time is limited, there are many children waiting for me to watch, this is the science I wrote about childhood asthma The article, you go back to read it first, and when you have figured it out, come to see me again."

  The mother of the child politely took the newspaper and took the child away...

< p>  Clinic, there are many lenses like this.

  Clinical, there are many reasons for misdiagnosis. Most of them are not caused by doctors irresponsible. Many times are caused by doctors, especially young doctors, who have insufficient experience. Also Yes, this disease is not typical, or very similar to another disease, Or this disease is a disease in a professional area that is unfamiliar to me. Therefore, some professors may also be misdiagnosed.

  Pediatrics is a large internal medicine, and each doctor cannot master all the diseases, so the bigger the hospital, The more doctors specialize in surgery, everyone has one or two diseases that they are good at watching. Therefore, being a pediatric doctor is a very difficult thing. On the one hand, you need your major, and the convenience of knowledge is not too narrow. .A very contradictory thing.

  Tell this story, I want to tell everyone that seeing a child is skillful.

  1. Common diseases, such as colds, diarrhea , You can find any doctor, you don’t have to call the expert number.

  2. When the child’s disease recurs, it is different from the normal situation, such as repeated wheezing, repeated relapse, etc. It is better to go to a larger hospital for treatment, and the chance of misdiagnosis is small.

  3. Before seeing a doctor, you need to see the bulletin board or the doctor in the hospital to ask for a doctor or expert who is suitable for your child’s disease. For example, a child with a wind , Look for pediatric neurologists, and those who are wheezing, look for respiratory or asthma specialists. For hematuria, you need to find a specialist who deals with kidney disease.

  4. The information on the Internet is for reference only. The case cannot represent a special case or a general case, so parents can learn, but they cannot copy the text. The mother in the story mentioned above, after reading the online introduction, thought that the child was diagnosed correctly. It happened that laryngitis had been treated with hormones and had an effect on asthma, so she was more determined her diagnosis, so she was always nearby. The community received an injection and did not expect that the child''s relapse was caused by a long-term misdiagnosis.

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